Chapter 18

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"Finally realized you're actually going to die huh?" The Hero Killer spoke to you. "You kids think you wanna be hero's until things get tough, isn't that right?" He insulted you, this just added fuel tot he flame. "You know what? I'll be generous, I'll spare you. Go get however you want, but just know they might not be here once you get back." He said, pointing to the three boys on the floors. "So, what will it b-" He was cut off by you chucking a fire ball at him.

You gave him your one harsh glares, obviously not backing down. I mean, he hurt your brother, and bad. You were not just going to run away and let him go freely, you were at least going to put up a fight. 

"(Y/N) DON'T LET HIM CONSUME YOUR BLOOD!" Midoriya shouts at you, now knowing you aren't backing down. You were going to thank Midoriya but then Stain came running at you. You stepped away from your brother, not wanting him to get caught in any attacks. Stain swung his blade at you and you were able to dodge, jumping away from him as soon as his blade almost cut you.

"Your father has been training you well. Can't say the same for your twin on the other hand." He said while pointing at your brother with his blade. This made you see red, your brother wasn't weak. You stepped in front of your brother so Stain was pointing at you with his blade instead of your brother. 

"Shut the fuck up!" You yelled, as you ran at Stain, shooting flames from your hands and using them as whips. You swung the whip-like flames at him as he jumped around the alley. 

"Oh what's this? Did I struck a nerve?" He said as he swung his blade and you ducked, sending flames his way. He jumped back, then jumped off the wall and towards you. You saw the ice on the wall that your brother made earlier and decided to use it, even though you know what could happen.

You made the water from the wall engulf his foot as he stepped on the wall, then freeze as soon as he stepped off. He was stuck in the air and as soon as you were going to send a massive flame his way, he threw one of his smaller blades. Not at you, but at your brother. You quickly ran to Shoto, stepping in front of him , the blade stabbed you in the right shoulder making you take a step back.

"(Y/N)!" Shoto yelled, he was worried about you. This only gave you more strength. You also saw that Midoriya was regaining control over his body so you have to stall. You grabbed the blade with your left hand and pulled it out of your shoulder.

"You care a lot about your brother I see. Maybe more than yourself, am I right?" Stain taunted as he broke the ice and landed back on the floor. "Such a good little hero." He said stepping towards you, seeing as you were bleeding out of your wound. You then pass the knife to your right hand, and used your left hand to burn your wound, so no more blood would come out. His eyes widened, he's never seen anyone cauterize their own stab wound before. Then his wide smile came back, seeing the fierce look in your eyes. "That doesn't hurt?" He asked, tauntingly. 

"It does." You answered, with a wicked smile of your own. You gripped the knife in your right hand, flipping it so the blade if facing down, then covered it in your flames. His eyes widened again, your eyes were filled with...rage. 

"You're no hero." He said, in a more serious expression.

"Never said I was." You say, matching his tone, then looking over at the spot where Midoriya was just a moment ago, but he was gone. He appeared behind Stain and hit him right in the middle of his back, shooting him forward. You ran forward and punched him right in the jaw with your right hand, burning and cutting his face in the process. Midoriya was going to try and attack him again but you saw as Stain was reaching for another blade so you hurriedly sent a flame to wrap around Midoriya's leg and pull him towards you and out of Stain's reach. 

"How did you get free?" You asked Midoriya in confusion.

"I think is has to do with our blood type." He said, standing up next to you. You look over at your brother and see him starting to move. You look away as to not draw attention to him. "What should we do?" Midoriya asks, watching as Stain is glaring at us licking his lips. 

"We fight." You answer simply. "Go, I'll cover you." You tell Midoriya. He runs towards Stain, then uses his quirk to jump around the alley around him. Every time you see Stain about to attack, you send a wall of flames between him and Midoriya. By this time, your brother is standing next you, ready to fight, but he has two severe stab wounds in his left arm. "Cover me." You tell your brother, Midoriya needs help, Stain is too fast. 

As you made your way towards Stain, you gathered some water, from the ice your brother made earlier, and cover your arms in it then freeze it. Basically creating ice armor for your arms. You appear behind Stain as he corners Midoriya and swing at him, he ducks, so you send a kick towards his face. He grabs your leg but before he can do anything, Midoriya throws a punch at him, forcing him to let go and step back. He throws blades at the three of you, but your brother blocks them with his ice. 

"Hmm, this isn't going to be easy. I should stop playing around" Stain says as he pulls a second long blade from his back, having one in each hand now. The aura around him changed as well, the creepy smile he wore before got even wider, he looked like a wild animal, and we were the prey. 

"Run." You all heard Iida say lowly. You glance at him for a quick second. Then see Stain running at you when you turn back. Your brother shot ice at him, which he dodged, then you used the ice on your arms to make shards of ice and shoot them at him, he stepped to the side and ran straight for Midoriya now. Midoriya jumped back but he kept coming, you made a wall of flames in front of the three of you forcing Stain to stay where he was.

"RUN. PLEASE!" Iida shouted this time.

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