chapter 10

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"Wake up princess." Doug shook Evie awake. "Ow Doug, ow." She sighed as she got up. "We slept in." He told her. "That's odd, even if my alarm doesn't go off I usually wake up at the same time everyday." She said as she looked over to her phone. "Eh, we're only up one hour late." He shrugged. "Well, I'm starving. Let's go eat." She hopped out of bed and went to her suitcase. "You're not going to shower first?" He asked with a brow raised. Evie turned and raised her own brow at her husband. "Who are you and what have you done with Evie!" She said as he hugged her from behind. "Doug let me go!" She laughed as he tackled her. "Ok ok, let's go get ready." He said as he released her. "Are we going to the beach after we eat?" Doug asked. "We can, but I also want to go to a certain part of town to shop." Evie said as she picked out an outfit to wear over her swimsuit. "Should I wear an actual outfit or a sundress?" She asked her husband as she looked through the outfits she packed. "I'm gonna go with an actual outfit, I rarely see you in anything other than a dress." He said he went over to look at the outfits she brought. He picked out a navy blue crop top and blue jeans shorts."Ok can we go now?" Doug asked. "Yes, hurry I'm starving." Evie rushed him out of the hotel. "Lets go somewhere where they have watermelon." Evie said as she drove. "Sure?" Doug said, confused. They pulled up to a cafe they had been to several times in the two weeks they'd been here. "They have fruit bowls here right?" Evie asked as they walked in. "Yeah." Doug responded.


"Ok so now are we going shopping, or to the beach?" Evie asked her husband. "It doesn't matter to me." He told her. "Well if we go to the beach now, there's not as many people." She told him as they walked out the café. "Ok so go to the beach then." He said as he got into the driver seat. (They are using a rental car btw) "Well if we go to the beach now then we'll be soaked later while we're shopping." She explained. "I say shopping now, that way we can watch the sunset on the beach later." He said. "Oh, that actually works perfectly!" She said as she handed him the keys. "See this is why I'm the perfect husband for you." He laughed as he started the car.

Meanwhile back in auradon:

"Ugh, Ben take me shopping!" Mal yelled to her husband who was downstairs. "Why?" He yelled back. "Cuz' my jeans won't fit!" She sassed him. He went upstairs to their bedroom where Mal was. "So when you gonna tell Evie?" He teased her. "When she gets back from her honeymoon." She rolled her eyes at him. "Now come on, we are going shopping!" She said as she threw on some loose fitting clothes.

Back to Evie and Doug, who are now shopping at a mall.

"Oh, crap." Evie said as her and Doug walked through the mall. "What now?" Doug sighed. "Nothing bad, I just forgot to get Carlos a souvenir." She said as she lead her husband to a shop. "I'm gonna go get one of those shirts you hold the bags." She said as she went over to where a few of the men's shirts were. Then she heard a whistle from behind her. "Oh great." She said as she turned with a fake smile. "Haven't seen you around here." She turned to see someone who looked to be local. "The names James." He said as he ran his fingers through his dark black hair. The guy wasn't ugly to be fair, in fact if he had talked to Evie when she was living on the Isle, she probably would've dated him. But now she was loyal to her husband. "My name is none of your business, because I'm happily married." She said with a very fake smile. "You know, that doesn't really matter to me." He flirted as he put his hand on her hip. "Uhhh no." She smacked his hand away. "Okay, okay." He chuckled. "I like a girl that plays hard to get." He laughed. "And I'd like to break your arm." She said in a fake sweet voice. "Who do you think you are-" He was cut off by Evie punching him in the face. "Ow! Jesus!" He yelled. "If you know what's best for you, you'll be going now." She told him. And with that he got up and left. "Now back to picking out a shirt for Carlos." She returned to the pile of shirts she was looking at. "This one works!" She took it to the register and bought it. "That'll be 24 dollars ma'am." The guy at the register said with a smile. While Evie was digging the money out of her purse he began talking. "You know, I would love to have your numb-" He was cut off by Evie giving him the death glare. "Don't. Just don't." She told him as she payed him and returned to her husband. "That beach is looking pretty good right about now." She told him in a very moody manner. "What happened in there?" He asked her. "What do you mean?" She asked. "Your moody, and there was a guy that ran out crying." He raised a eyebrow at her. "I may or may not have punched him." She sighed. "You did what now? He could call the police Evie!" Doug panicked. "Yeah and I could tell them he layed hands on me first!" She whisper- yelled to her husband. "What?!" He whispered yelled back. "He started flirting, I told him off, he got mad, he put his hands on my hips and I punched him, end of story." She huffed at her husband. She expected him to be livid, but he just looked concerned. "Jeez you ok?" He asked gently. "I think so, other than the bruise on my hip" She began but then paused and smirked. "And the one on my hand where I hit him." Doug sighed. "Should we call the authorities?" He asked as he examined the bruise on her hip. "Nah, he's probably hiding anyway." She brushed off. "Besides, I used to deal with that crap on the Isle 24/7."
"Okay, I know your brushing me off." He said once they got to the car. "I'm ok Doug." She said despite the obvious tears forming in her eyes. "No your not, come here." He hugged her as she cried into his shoulder. "I don't know why I let this bother me." She continued crying. "You have a good reason to let it bother you, now..." he said as he kissed her. "Lets go home and you can call Mal." He said as he kissed her again. "I love you so much." She said as she kissed him back. "Let's get out of here." She said as she hopped in the car.

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