Chapter 20: Love all around ♡

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An: this takes place a week after the last chapter. This chapter is a little different it's going to feature some more couples than just Devie. I decided to do this since this chapter officially makes the big two zero!

"Doug!" Evie yelled from their bedroom. "Coming!" He yelled from their kitchen. "What?!" He asked frantically. "One of the babies just kicked!" Evie said from their bed. "Really?" He asked as his eyes grew wide. "Yes! Come here and feel it!" She said excitedly. He sat down beside her and let her guide his hand over her stomach. "Woah." Was all he could manage. "Does it hurt?" He asked. "It's more uncomfortable then painful." She said as she winced from being kicked again. She then kissed him and pulled him down with her. Then the oven buzzed from downstairs. "Really?" Evie sighed. "It's bacon and chocolate." Doug smirked, knowing that had been one of her cravings all week. "See ya!" She said as she raced downstairs.

"Mmm so, my mom called me yesterday and long story short we're taking her on a tour of auradon today." Evie said as she munched on some bacon dipped in chocolate. "Okay when?" Doug asked. "She said noon." Evie said as she shoved more bacon in her mouth. "Um you do realize noon is in 45 minutes right?" Doug asked with a eyebrow raised. "Huh?" Evie panicked as she looked over to her phone. "Oh my God I need to get ready!" She said as she took a few more pieces of bacon and ran upstairs. Doug laughed and followed her.


Meanwhile Jay and Lonnie:

"So for our wedding we have almost everything ready and Evie is working on my dress." Lonnie said as she strolled through Aradon's Magic Park with ice cream in her hand. "Doesn't school start back next week though?" He asked. "Yeah but she said she'll be able to manage." Lonnie shrugged. "Ok let me fill you in on something about Evie, she says she can handle it and acts like she can, but she does get stressed like every other human being on planet earth, but she hides it." Jay told her. "Should I tell her not to do it? She already started on it though." Linnie asked. "No but we may need to get her some extra help." Jay thought for a moment. "No." Lonnie said, knowing what he was thinking. "It is  your wedding." He smirked. "Your too!" She slapped him on the arm. "There is no way I'm helping with sewing a dress." Lonnie complained. "Come on do it for me!" He laughed. She gave him a deadpan stare. "Okay for Evie and Doug." He said. "Fine, your sooo annoying." She said playfully as she put ice cream on his nose. "You'll pay for that!" He said as she ran.


Meanwhile Harry and Uma:

"So has Jay talked to you about his wedding yet?" Uma asked as she got ready for a date with Harry. "He asked me to be one of the groomsmen." Harry said from the foot of her bed. "So did you accept?" She asked. "Obviously." He said as he played with his 'hook'. "So where are we going?" Harry asked. "That's the point of a surprise." Uma smirked. "Oh come on, since when does Uma surprise people?" He complained. "I don't surprise people, I surprise you." She chuckled and continued doing her makeup. "You know you don't need makeup." Harry said out of the blue. "Your perfect the way you are and if people can't see that, then their blind." He said as smiled at her. "Harry!" She laughed as she realized she had started crying a little. "Sorry but it's true!" He laughed as he walked over to her and kissed her.


Meanwhile Jane and Carlos

"So when are you going to sign up for vet school?" Jane asked Carlos as they watched Frozen. "I don't know, I was thinking soon since me and you graduated a year earlier then most people our age." He said. "What college you thinking?" She said as she paused the movie. "Definitely something close by, but I haven't given it much thought." He said. "School starts back really soon so you better." She nudged him with her popcorn bowl. "I'm probably just going to join in second semester." Carlos shrugged. "Sounds good to me, because that way I get more of you!" She kissed his cheek, making him blush as she unpaused the movie.


here's some Bal for you guys!

"I'm so hungry right now!" Mal whispered yelled into Ben's ear. "Me too that council meeting took forever!" He said as they got into one of their royal limos. "Well we're already dressed pretty nice so why don't you take us out?" Mal said as she hugged her stomach. "Sure Mali!" Ben teased. "Heeeyyy! Only my dad can call me that!" She pouted playfully. "Where to?" The driver interrupted. "The magic cafe!" They both said at the same time. "Coming right up!" The driver said. "So do you really believe that Evil Queen changed for the better?" Ben asked Mal as they rode down the streets of auradon. "Evie sounds very sure of it, and I personally think that she did as well." Mal said as she looked out her window and waved to a couple of people who waved at her. "Evie's been in such a good mood ever since." Ben laughed. "This is Evie we're talking about, she always looks on the bright side and she so happy all the time." Mal said. "She may be nice to you but she's mean to me!" Ben said playfully. "Good, sometimes you need to be reminded that though you may be king, you're also dumb." She played along.  "Oh Queen Mal you've wounded me!" He said as he heald his heart. "Good." She giggled.


And one that I bet no one expected, CHAD AND AUDREY! ♡

(This takes place right after Audrey is released from Auradon's prison.)

(Oh One last thing! Listen to this while reading, this scene reminds me of this song.)

"Thanks again for picking me up Chad." Audrey said as she hopped into his car. "No need to thank me." Chad squeaked nervously. "Chad, I'm not evil anymore I won't hurt you I promise." Audrey said, genuinely sorry. "Okay, how do I know your not lying?" He asked. "I can't prove it to you, just trust me." She said. Chad looked into her eyes and studied her for a moment and nodded as he started his car. "You know, while I was in jail, I missed you." Audrey confessed. "Really?" Chad asked. "Yeah." Audrey sighed. "But if you don't ever want to see me again after all I've done, that's understandable and I don't blame you." She said quickly. "I think we can try again." Chad smiled. "Really?" Audrey asked. "So how does a date tommorow sound?" Chad asked. "Sounds perfect!" Audrey couldn't help but text Evie as quickly as possible.


An: Chad and Audrey are going to be a thing again? Will the stress end up being too much for Evie? Is her mom really good now? Continue reading to find out! My next chapter will be out soon!! (If you have any ideas of a good chapter I could do feel free to reach out, don't be scared to!) Ok byye guys!


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