chapter 8

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The morning after the wedding;

Evie woke up and looked over to her alarm clock. "Ugh eight-thirty already?" She knew it was time to get up, since Doug and her had to leave for their honeymoon soon. "Doug get up." He pretended to still be asleep, but this time Evie knew what he was doing. "I'm not falling for that." She laughed. "Ok, ok" He got up and started laughing along with his wife. "Seriously though we need to pack." Evie said as she got up out of bed and went to their bathroom. "We're meeting our freinds, and you parents at the airport for farewells." She told him as she got her clothes for when she got out of the shower. "Come on, we've got to move." She told him as he finally got out of bed.

"Evie we have to be there in like 45 minutes and its a 30 minute drive." Doug told her as she did her makeup. "Hold up I'm nearly done." Evie replied. After a couple seconds she finished. "Okay, now," she picked up two dresses from her dresser. "Which one?" She asked her husband. "The second." He said as he sat at the foot of their bed.

Here is the dress btw:

"Ready to go now?" Doug asked as she put on her favorite purse

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"Ready to go now?" Doug asked as she put on her favorite purse. "Yup." She said as she took her keys from her purse. "Your driving." She threw the keys to him and walked toward the front door.

(I know they use limos from Ben all the time but they actually do have a car here it is):

(I know they use limos from Ben all the time but they actually do have a car here it is):

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"Wait do I turn left or right?" Doug asked as they tried to find the airport. "Left." She said as she checked her phone. "Mal and Ben are already there." She said as she looked at a message from Mal.

Mal: we're here, where r u?

Evie: Doug is trying to figure out where to turn 🤦

Mal: lol well r u at least close?

Evie: yeah, we'll be there in about 5 minutes.

Mal: Good cuz' Doug's parents just got here

Evie: see ya in a min.

"We're here." Doug said making Evie look up from her phone. "Good, everyone's already waiting." She hopped out of their car and walked into the rather large crowd ahead of them, and looked for her sister. "I see them come on." She grabbed Doug's arm and lead him to where everyone was. "Hey girl!" Mal said as she squeezed Evie in a tight hug. "Hi mom." Doug said as he hugged his mom. "Dad" He nodded toward his father. "Hey Anna." Evie said as she hugged her mother In law. "You look stunning hon." Anna said as she hugged Evie. "We gotta go before we miss the plane." Doug reminded Evie. "Oh yeah, bye guys we'll be back soon!" Evie waved to everyone.

Once they got to the plane.

"Tickets?" The lady standing outside the plane asked. "Yes one second." Evie smiled as she pulled them out of her purse. "Ok enjoy your trip." The lady said as the couple walked in. "Belive it or not I've never been on a plane." Evie said. "Well yeah, there used to be no way to escape the Isle, so there was no planes." Doug said as he found their seats. "You want the window seat?" He asked. "Sure." She sat down and looked out the window. Then an announcement came out of the speakers. "The plane will be taking off in 5 minutes, please Buckle your seat belts." Evie and Doug did their seat belts. "So have you ever been to Motunui?" Evie asked her husband as they waited for takeoff. "No, I only know about this place because it's where Moana is from." He answered. "I'm exited, I've never been anywhere outside the Isle and auradon." She said as the plane started taking off. Doug looked over to his wife to see a very anxious look on her face. Then he started laughing. "What?" She asked as she turned to him. "Oh, nothing it's look like a petrified little kid!" He said inbetween laughs. She hit his arm playfully. "Ow!" He laughed. "That's what you get, jerk!" She started laughing too. "I know, I know, I'm such a horrible husband, laughing at my scared wife." He laughed. Then the plane took off and Evie stopped laughing. Doug did too after noticing how scared she actually was. Then he took her hand and squeezed it. "You ok?" He asked her. "Yeah, this is just very different to me." She said as she looked at him. "It's not so bad, this is probably the worst part right here." He explained. Evie kissed him once he finished. "Not that I'm complaining but what was that for?" He chuckled. "Well because when I'm with you I feel a little better, so kissing you comforts me." She then looked out the window to see they were in the sky. "Wow, it's so pretty." She sighed as she looked down. "You did tell Mal to drive the car back to our house right?" Doug asked as he looked down to where the airport was. "Yes, don't worry." She said. "Just making sure" He said as she rolled her eyes at him. She then looked down to her watch. "How is it already 12 in the afternoon?" She asked rhetorically. "Well you do take forever to get ready" Doug started but was interrupted by Evie putting her hand over him mouth. "That was a rhetorical question." She laughed. "I knew that." Doug scoffed. "Sure you did." Evie laughed. "How long is this plane ride going to last?" Evie asked. "It's about 8 hours away from here." Doug told her. "Afternoon naps for me!" She said as she layed back.

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