chapter 4

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(First of all let's start with the wedding dress that Evie was working on)

(First of all let's start with the wedding dress that Evie was working on)

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There it is! Ok now let's start on the story. We're skipping ahead a couple weeks to graduation day.

Evie woke up to her alarm blaring in her ear. "Ugh!" She slapped the alarm clock to make it shut up. "Today's the day I guess." She popped up out of her bed and took a shower. She took a quick shower put on nice red dress that opened a little in the back and put her hair in a nice ponytail. As she was finishing her makeup she heard a knock at the door. "Come in." She said as she put on some mascara. Doug walked in to reaval he was wearing a navy blue suit. "Hey handsome." She said as she put the mascara down on her dresser. "Ready to go princess?" He asked. "Ready as I'll ever be." She replied as she walked outside to the limo where all her freinds were waiting. "Guys, I wasn't expecting to see you until graduation!" She smiled as she hugged Mal. "Don't thank us thank your boyfriend." Carlos said as he hugged Evie. "Thanks, Doug!" She said as she kissed his cheek. "I thought this would calm you a bit." He said once she pulled away. "Yeah he told us about you meeting his parents today." Jay said. "Well this does make it a little better." She said as she hopped in the limo and asked. "You guys coming?" "You bet." Doug said.

At graduation Doug and Evie sat next to each other. "I bet you'll get valedictorian." Evie said to Doug before Fairy Godmother came out to thank everyone who came. "Not if you get it." He whispered to her. There were several names of people who graduated being called. Evie zoned out until she heard "Mal Bertha, And king Benjamin." From Fairy Godmother. Mal's face turned bright red from embarrassment as she walked up and got her diploma. Ben was resisting the urge to laugh. "Well now everyone knows her real name!" Evie was laughing a little bit. "I didn't even know that." Doug chuckled a little bit. "Well you do now." She said as she continued to listen until Fairy Godmother said "Carlos De-vil, and Jay." (I couldn't find a last name for him) soon enough the rest of her freinds were called and it was time for the valedictorian to be announced. "This year, for the first time ever we have a tie for valedictorian!" Fairy Godmother smiled. "Evelyn Grimhilde, and Douglas Dwafman!" Fairy Godmother said loudly. "What?!" Evie jumped up and hugged Doug. "I can't belive it!" She and Doug then walked up as many pictures of the two were taken. (Generally there is a valedictorian speech but imma skip it) they went and sat back down for the remainder of the Graduation.

Later, when the Graduation was over and everyone was leaving.
"Ready to meet my parents?" Doug asked as he and Evie got up. "Yeah let's do it." She said with confidence. Doug walked over to a woman and a man that Evie assumed was his parents. "Hi mom, dad" He said as he hugged his mom. "We're so proud of you for getting valedictorian!" His mom said with a huge smile. "Are you freinds with the other girl who got valedictorian? I saw you two hugging." His mom asked. "Well actually," Doug began and he nodded toward Evie. "She's my girlfriend." He said as he grabbed Evie's hand. "Oh hello dear." His mother said as she noticed Evie for the first time. "My name is Anna, I'm Doug's mother." She said. "And this is Dopy, his father." Dopy just smiled. (Let's just day he was a man of few words.) "I'm Evie." She smiled back at Doug's mother. "Oh your the future Queens friend right?" Doug's mother asked. "Oh weren't you an exchange student from the Isle?" She asked. "Yes, I was." Evie answered and she tried not to fidget and make it obvious that she was nervous. "Who were your parents? If you don't mind me asking." Doug's mother asked gently. Evie could practically feel her heart drop at the question. "Well, I don't know who my father is, but my mother is evil queen Grimhilde." Evie closed her eyes waiting for his mom to start yelling for her to get away from her son, but it never happened. Evie opened her eyes to see a concerned Anna. "Don't worry dear I know you chose good, and you are not your mother." She gave Evie a winning smile. "Told ya." Doug said as he playfully elbowed her. She elbowed him right back.

A little while later Evie and Doug had decided to go to Tiana's with his parents. A few of Doug's siblings tagged along, and they were waiting for his uncles to come (his cousins weren't coming since there probably wasn't a table large enough for his entire family.) "Doug mentioned his uncle Grumpy probably won't be to fond of me, can I kinda get to know what I'm dealing with here?" Evie asked Doug's parents. "Well as his name implies, he can be a little grumpy." Anna said. "And he especially hates the evil queen because of what she did to snow white." She explained. "But he'll warm up to you." Dopy finally spoke. Doug was surprised by this, the only time he had ever heard his dad talk was when his little sister was born. Evie just smiled and nodded nervously. "Mom, dad actually there's something I haven't exactly told you." Doug said. "Yes?" She replied. "Evie and me are a little more than just boyfriend-girlfriend." He said as Evie and Doug both showed their engagement rings to his mother and father.
"Oh my goodness that's wonderful!" Anna practically screamed making Dopy wince a little. Anna pulled Evie into a big hug. "Woah." Evie said as she was pulled into the hug. Doug laughed at Evie's surprised expression. "I'm so happy for you two when did this come about?" She asked as Evie pulled away from the hug. "A couple weeks ago in this very restaurant." Evie answered. Doug made sure all our friends were there." Evie smiled at her fiancé. "Well A, I needed the guys there and B, I knew you would want Mal there." Doug smiled. Just then Doug's little sister Daisy (who was 15 years old) showed up. "Hey guys what did I miss?" She asked as she walked up to her brother. "Well this is your brother's Fiancé dear." Anna said. "Oh, I'm Daisy, Doug's little sister." She said as she shook Evies hand. "Evie Grimhilde." Evie smiled back. "Evil Queens daughter?" Daisy asked. "Yes, you may have seen me in TV I'm the future Queens friend." Evie said, hoping for some recognition. "Yeah I have seen you on TV a couple times." Daisy answered as she sat beside Evie. Evie and Daisy talked a little while longer and they were actually really getting along, so much so that they exchanged numbers. After a couple more minutes of the two talking Doug's uncles showed up. Doc, Grumpy, Happy, Sleepy, Sneezey, and Bashful all sat down. "Hello, we're Doug's Uncles." Doc said once they were all seated. "I'm Evie Grimhilde." She went ahead and used her last name so they all would know, and they could get this conversation over with. "As in the Evil Queens daughter?" Doc asked. "Yes, actually." Doug looked at his fiancé who had on a brave face, but he could tell that underneath she was freaking out. "What are you doing dating Doug, huh?" Grumpy finally spoke. "Uncle Grumpy-" Doug began. "No I won't hear of it, you've been brainwashed!" Grumpy said angrily. "No I haven't!" Doug said. "I truly love Evie, and it's already been proved because I was once spelled and Evie kissed me and I woke up, true loves kiss never fails." Doug said. "Grumpy I think we should give her a chance." happy spoke up. "Fine." Grumpy said in defeat. Doug then squeezed Evie's hand. She'd been though a lot of stress today all for him. But at least he knew even his uncle Grumpy was giving her a chance.

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