Chapter 2

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We start off with Evie and Mal in their dorm, it's the last day before Mal and Ben move in together.

"Mornin' Mal." Evie says in her typical manner as she gets dressed. "Ready for today?" She quizzed her BFF. "What's today?" Mal asked with a confused look. "It's a surprise, now come on we're supposed to meet our boyfriends, along with Jane, Carlos, Lonnie and Jay in 30 minutes. "Okay, okay I like where this is headed!" Mal shot out if bed and ran towards her and Evie's bathroom so she could get her shower. when Mal (finally) got out Evie was doing the finishing touches of her makeup. (Which is not as much as it used to be since she's more secure in her looks) "Looking good E!" Mal hyped her bestie up. "What are you trying to get Doug on one knee?" Mal joked. "Oooh you know me too well!" Evie played along before noticing her bestie wasnt ready. "Hurry up and get ready we're gonna be late!" Evie rushed Mal to her closet.

15 minutes later the girls showed up at the park (10 minutes late)

"It's about time you guys showed up!" Jay said as he looked at his imaginary watch. Evie just rolled her eyes at this. "We're ten minutes late sue me." She told him with a sarcastic smile. "Okay..." He said with a matching smile. "So, Mal here has refused to tell me what's going on, anyone care to explain?" She said as she put her hand on her hip. "Can't, sorry E!" Mal interrupted before any of the boys could mess this up. "What are you guys hiding?" Evie said as she eyed her boyfriend suspiciously. "Nothing, come on we're going to your favorite restaurant!" Doug said followed by a laugh from Evie's change of expression. "Tiana's?" She asked excitedly. "You bet!" Mal laughed as she grabbed Ben's arm. "And we even got the king of auradon himself to pay for your meal!" She said as she nudged her fiancé playfully. They all laughed along as they went to the extra long limo that could seat them all. Carlos was the first to reach the car doors. "Ladies first." He bowed as Jane smiled. "Why thank you, sir." She played along. The rest of the freinds got into the car. "Why are we going to Tiana's?" Evie dropped the question she'd been waiting to ask. "What do you mean?" Doug asked nervously, earning him a 'look' from Mal. "I mean, we only go to Tiana's on special occasions." She said to Doug in a deadpan tone. "Nothing special, I just wanted..." he struggled to come up with an excuse. "Uhhhhh... really wanted some Tiana's and we all happened to be free so we thought why not!" Carlos said quickly. "Oh ok, that's all you had to say." Evie said as she chuckled to herself a bit. "Thank you" Doug mouthed to Carlos. Carlos gave him the universal "Don't worry about it" sign.

Awhile later they arrived at Tiana's (it looks just like Tiana wanted it to look like when she was little in case you were wondering) and they all sat down. Ben sat at the end of the table Mal sat next to him, Evie sat next to her, Doug sat next to Evie, Carlos sat next to Doug, Jane sat on the other end of the table and Jay and Lonnie sat on the other side of the table. "Man this really is the nicest restaurant in all of auradon, isn't it?" Evie asked rhetorically as she looked around to see many wealthy people wearing outfits that she herself would wear because they were so glamorous. "This is our first time here as a couple." Lonnie said as she and Jay looked at a menu. "Oh I'm sure you'll start to come here every chance you get, the foods great!" Evie said as she herself picked up a menu. "What are you getting?" She asked Doug. "You just want to know so that you can make me get what you want and you can steal half of mine." He said as he looked up from the menu with a raised brow. "Darn it, you know me too well! She said as she looked back to her menu. "And to answer that question I'm getting something you don't like, so you won't steal my food." Doug smiled at her. In return he got a joking slap on the arm. "You've been hanging out with me too much, now your mean." She pouted.

After about ten minutes everyone had ordered their food. Doug got steak (which evie unfortunately did like) evie got salad with chicken, Mal got the same as Evie, Lonnie and Jay both got Tiana's infamous Gumbo, Ben got the same as Doug, and Carlos and Jane both ordered some kind of pasta that Evie couldn't help wrinkle her nose at. "Blech, pasta I don't get how you two eat it!" Evie said to Carlos and Jane. "Well, let me explain eating a bit, I'll explain it simply so you'll get it, you put it in your mouth, you chew which is where you move you jaw like this," Carlos fake chewed. "And swallow it." He explained in a 'dumbing it down' sort of tone. "Wow thanks for that Carlos I had no idea how
to eat if fact I'm not sure how I'm even alive right now!" Evie manged to get the whole sentence out and then laughed so hard she almost cried. Carlos laughed along with her, it was nice having a brother sister bond like that, well when they weren't fighting like cats and dogs that is. "Simple enough for you princess?" Caros said after he finally finished laughing. Just then, a very tired looking waiter came to the table. Ben mentally made a note to leave a, let's say generous tip. "Here's Your food, enjoy!" She said in an obviously fake cheery tone. "Thank you." Ben smiled at her. As she sat down all the food and rushed off to more costumers. Everyone started eating and the awkward silence was getting a little unbearable. Doug thought for a second. "Okay so start up a conversation, propose and get it over with or, wait till we're done eating." He layed out the options in his head and decided on waiting till their done with eating. "So Evie how's the four hearts thing going?" Lonnie finally filled in the silence putting Doug off the spot a little. "Oh its going great, I've sold so much stuff, and Doug is great help, with the marketing and making sure we're making a profit." Evie said as she smiled at Doug greatfully. "Your doing great yourself you got your own clothing line, your a straight A student, and an amazing girlfriend." Doug pointed out. Evie blushed a little and smiled at him. A couple minutes later everyone was done eating and so Doug was about ready.  Doug gave Mal a nod, making sure Evie didn't see. "So," Mal said making Evie look at her. Doug took this as a chance to get down on one knee. "Looks like there's more than one wedding coming up." Mal winked at her and then Evie turned to see her boyfriend on one knee. Evie gasped and put her hands over her mouth. "Evie, since the moment I met you I thought you were the prettiest girl I've ever layed eyes on, and when I got to know you I realized that you were just as smart as me but you were hiding it. And when you finally let the world know how smart you are that's when I knew I loved you. And now I'm ready to take the next step so, will you Evelyn Grimhilde do me the honor of marrying me?" Doug smiled at her. "Yes!" She almost screamed making everyone in the restaurant look that way, but once they saw what was going on they smiled at the couple which was now hugging. "I love you Doug I would be crazy If I said no." She said after releasing him from the hug. "I love you too." He laughed and then kissed her. "Well M, I guess you were right, there is one more wedding coming up." Evie chuckled to her best freind. "And I can't wait." Mal said to the still smiling couple.

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