Chapter 14

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"Ughh!" Evie grunted as she tried to zip her jeans up. "What's wrong?" Doug asked from somewhere behind. "These jeans won't fit me!" Evie huffed. "I'm not an expert but I think that's normal." Doug pointed out. "Speaking of being an expert, have you got a letter for that college in the mail yet?" Evie asked as she put on some leggings. "No." He answered. "Really?" She asked, knowing he was lying. "Okay yes, but I don't want to leave you right now." He admitted. "I'm not exactly thrilled about the idea of you leaving either but it's only for the days that you'll have classes." She said with a serious look. "I can help run your business without a degree, I mean after all that's what your doing." He tried to convince her. "No, at least one of us should have a degree if we want to become big leagues outside of auradon." She told him. "Look If we plan it out right this will work itself out ok?" She asked. "Okay, okay." He kissed her. "What would I do without you?" He asked. "Well for starters you wouldn't be going to college." She said. "And while we're being honest here I need to tell you something." She sighed. "Ok?" He said, thinking of all the things that could be wrong. Before she could get out a word he figured it out. "You want to go to college too?" He asked. "Yeah." She said, shrugging. "How are you going to manage that and being pregnant?" He asked, not critically, but generally curious. "Like I said, schedule everything right, and everything will work out." She smiled. "I can't wait to start!" She said and kissed him. "Yeah, and since we're doing the same major we might have some classes together." He added. "Now that that's out of the way, your taking me shopping." She said as she threw on a shirt. "Sure princess." He laughed at her sudden enthusiasm.

Later at the mall:

"So I was wondering..." Doug began. "Uh-huh?" Evie asked, her mouth full of the cheetos she was snacking on. "Well, at the next appointment we find out if we're having a girl or boy, do you want to have a gender reveal?" He asked. Evie thought for a moment before turning to him. "What do you want to do?" She asked. "I liked the idea of it, I just wanted to know if you were ok with it." He told her. "I like the idea of it too, Mal could plan it, since I'm planning hers." Evie suggested. "Sounds good to me." Doug nodded. "I'll tell Mal later, and now that we're done shopping, take me out to eat." Evie said as more of a demand than a question. "I was planning on it anyway." Doug laughed. "Mexican food?" Evie asked. "Depends if you want the good restaurant." He said as he attempted to take a chip from Evie. "Maria's?" Evie asked. "That's the one." Doug nodded. Then the couple walked into the malls parking lot. "It's cold out here!" Evie complained. "Here take my jacket." Doug said as he wrapped his jacket around Evie. "Thanks, babe." Evie kissed him. "Your welcome, and I have an idea for lunch." Doug told her as they walked over to their parked car. "What's that?" Evie asked as she walked to the passenger door of their car. "Why don't we invite Mal so we can talk about the gender reveal parties?" He asked. "Good idea, I'll ask if she's free." She told him as she pulled out her phone from her purse.

Evie: r u able to clear ur schedule rn?

Mal: sure I guess y?

Evie: Doug was wanting me to invite u 2 lunch at Maria's

Mal: y?

Evie: to discuss ur gender reveal party... and mine

Mal: ur having one 2?!

Evie: yeah, and well talk about it at lunch, see u there?

Mal: yup me and Ben will be there

Evie: great see u then

Evie glanced up from her phone and then slid it back into her purse. "Mal coming?" Doug asked the obvious. "Yeah, Ben will be there too." She said as she grabbed a bottle of Tylenol out of her purse. "Headaches again?" He asked. "Yup." She said as she popped one in her mouth and washed it down with her water.

Later, at the restaurant

Evie and Mal were sitting across from each other at a booth in Maria's. "So, I'll know the gender for your kid and you'll know the gender for mine?" Mal asked. "Yeah, you like the idea of that?" Evie asked. "Yes I love that idea!" Mal said as she took some of Ben's food. "I was eating that your majesty." He said as he attempted to take some food from her plate. "I am trying to feed your child." She said as she smacked his hand, keeping him from taking her food. "Ow!" He said as he looked at his hand. Mal just rolled her eyes. "He's so overdramatic." Doug laughed. "You try getting smacked by her, then tell me I'm overdramatic." Ben complained. "Imagine living with her for 16 years." Evie laughed. "I was not that difficult to live with." Mal said. "Sure, most the time but when you were about 10 or 11 you were an absolute nightmare." Evie said. "What was so bad about 10 through 11?" Doug asked. "Don't you dare-" Mal began but was cut off by Evie. "She was going through a very emo phase." Evie told him. "I hate you." Mal huffed as Ben laughed. "Sorry it slipped out." Evie apologized as Ben tried to manage his laughter. "It's fine." Mal.said as she nudged Ben with her elbow. "Do you have pictures?" Ben whispered to Evie. "Yes, I'll send them." She answered as she went to her and Ben's messages. "There." She said as she sent them. "Huh?" Mal asked. "Nothing." Evie said as she looked back to her phone, trying to cover her smirk. "One more thing we need to tell you guys." Doug said as he looked over to Evie, who figured out exactly what he meant. "Yeah?" Ben asked. "We're planning on starting collage in about a month or so." Doug said. "Evie how are you going to manage that?" Mal asked. "First off, it'll only be for two years, and second if we schedule everything out right it'll be fine." Evie said confidently. "Well I'll always help if you need it." Mal told her. "I know." Evie assured her. "Sounds like my best friend's going big leagues!" Mal said excitedly.

(AN): hope you guys liked that chapter! See you next chapter bye! <3

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