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Eve hung the laundry on the line and wiped the sweat from her brow despite the cool weather. She was nearly finish and would have to go inside and get started on cleaning the floors. She didn't look forward to that particular form of backbreaking work but she reminded herself that she had to be grateful. The sound of a carriage arriving caught her attention and she walked to the gate and opened it, walking around to the front where she saw Simon stepping out of the carriage.
Their eyes met and held for what felt like eternity before he turned away and entered the house. Eve sighed and returned to her duties telling herself it was for the best. Once she was done hanging the laundry she carried the empty basket into the house and sat it down in the kitchen. She walked into the drawing room where Celia and Mrs. Paulson had been going over wedding details.
"Oh, Eve. Good, you're here." Mrs. Paulson said as Eve walked into the room.
"Is there anything you need ma'am?" Eve asked trying to avoid Simon's gaze.
"Actually there is. Would you be so kind as to waltz with Simon?"
"What?!" Both Simon and Celia said simultaneously as they looked upon Mrs. Paulson in confusion.
"I taught Eve how to waltz and seeing as though Simon must learn the dance for the wedding it seems only fitting. You'll have to learn as well Celia." Mrs. Paulson explained.
"Surely you can find someone other than the help, aunt." Celia said with a disgusted tone.
"She'll due for now. Now, Simon, up."
Simon stood and with great apprehension crossed the room towards Eve who stood equally apprehensive . She lifted her arms and he took her hands in his and pulled her close expelling a breath from her lips.
"Now the key to the waltz, Simon, is to lead. Eve should follow your steps. There are six in total. Now Eve will show you the first time and then you take over."
Mrs. Paulson counted down and the two began to dance with Eve taking the lead. They did this several times before Mrs. Paulson decided to let Simon take over which to his embarrassment was a terrible idea considering he kept stepping on Eve's poor feet.
"My apologies for stepping on your feet."
"No need. It is your first time. I did the same to poor Mrs. Paulson."
They continued to dance in silence for a moment when Celia spoke, "surely I can dance with him. He is my intended after all."
"It is best that you have your own teacher. Preferably a male so you will learn to take his lead as well. I have someone in mind." Mrs. Paulson explained.
Celia pouted and folded her arms across her chest as she watched both Eve and Simon dance silently.
The lessons lasted another hour or so before Simon confessed he had a meeting to attend. Eve watched as both Celia and Mrs. Paulson escorted him out. She took a seat on the couch and let out the breath she was sure she'd been holding the entire time. The heat of his hands on her waist still burned and Eve thought she would surely burst into flames if they had to stand in such close proximity for a second longer.
The sounds of footsteps told her that Simon was gone and Celia and Mrs. Paulson were returning to the drawing room.
"Eve, tomorrow you will go over to Simon's house to help him with his lessons." Mrs. Paulson said as she took a seat on the settee. Celia flopped down in the chair across from her.
"Yes, ma'am."
"Honestly, aunt I don't understand how someone like Eve is qualified to teach Simon. Look at her!"
"That is enough, Celia. Eve, you may go resume your duties. I'm going to rest." Mrs. Paulson stood and left the room. Eve went to walk out behind her when Celia spoke,
"You may be teaching him to dance but never forget it's for my wedding."
Eve clenched her fists and forced herself to breathe, "I understand. Good day, Celia. And with that she left the room.

Simon's hands burned. The feel of having Eve so close and his hands on her person did things to him he didn't want to think about. She looked ethereal during their dance, her face set in determination as she struggled to match his steps. She never once complained.
Surely Celia would have complained the entire time. Simon sighed and leaned back in his chair in his study. He'd been trying to do work all morning but couldn't focus. Eve would be arriving soon for another lesson and the anticipation was enough to drive him mad.
Annabelle entered carrying a tray and sat it down in front of him. She removed the lid from the plate to reveal one of her special dishes from her home country. The smell wafted up to his nostrils and his stomach growled.
"This smells amazing, Annabelle."
"Thank you. Eve is here for your lessons." Simon went to move when Annabelle placed a firm hand on his shoulder forcing him to sit back down.
"You will sit and eat all of this before you go to her."
"Yes, Annabelle." Simon said with a smile. The woman gave him a pointed look and then walked out of the room.
Eve stood in the foyer thinking back to the last time she was in this house. She thought about Simon revealing that he knew her secret and the fear that came with it. She thought back on the night in the drawing room where had she not run away she would have let him kiss her.
She wanted him to kiss her.
She wanted to know what his lips would feel like on hers and then she immediately put the thought of her mind. She was here to do a job. Mrs. Paulson had entrusted her with the task of helping Simon learn how to dance before his wedding and she wouldn't disappoint. Eve smiled when she saw Annabelle approach her.
"Hello, Eve." Annabelle said in her thick accent.
"Good morning, Annabelle. Is Simon ready?"
"He's in his study having his breakfast. Are you hungry?"
"I already ate."
"I saw Alex the other day. He's asked after you."
"He called on me a few days ago. I must admit I've never been courted before."
"Exciting non?" Annabelle asked, "he's a good man."
"I'm to see him tomorrow for the Polo tournament will you be coming?"
"Yes I should be able to make it." At that moment Eve looked up and saw Simon standing in the doorway behind Annabelle. Annabelle turned and looked at him and then back at Eve who only continued to stare.
Shaking her head Annabelle spoke, "I hope the two of you know what you are doing." And with that she walked away.
"Shall we head to the music room?" Simon asked.
"Lead the way." Eve followed Simon down the hall and into a small room where a grand piano sat off in the corner. There were two chairs and a side table that made up the room. Eve stepped in and took notice to the space and thought it sufficient.
"We would need someone to play music." Eve pointed out.
"Of course. One moment." Simon left the room and Eve prided herself on her quick thinking. With someone else in the room she would be able to focus on the lesson at hand and not the feel of Simon's hands on her waist or the way her breath would catch when she would find him staring at her intensely.
Simon returned with a younger woman behind him her eyes looking about the room nervously. Eve figured she was one of the maids.
"Eve, this is Sissy. Sissy, this is Eve. Sissy knows how to play the piano."
"My mistress taught me back when I was a child." Sissy responded, her high pitch voice filling the room."
Sissy crossed over toward the piano and took a seat. Eve reluctantly moved towards Simon who took her trembling hands in his before pulling her close to him once more.
"I think I remembered the steps."
"Then lead the way." Eve replied and Simon nodded towards Sissy who then began to play the piano to Eve's surprise very beautifully.
The two fell into the familiar step and Eve noted that Simon wasn't stepping on her feet.
"You've gotten better within the day." Eve said quietly.
"I had a wonderful teacher."
"I'll have to sing her praises." Simon smiled and continued to lead the dance. They moved in harmony, their forbidden passion igniting the air with intensity. With every graceful step, they defied the constraints of society, their eyes locked in a silent vow of devotion. As the music enveloped them, they were swept away into a realm where rules and consequences held no sway, lost in the timeless rhythm of their love, in this fleeting moment of unity, they found refuge, and before they knew it the song had ended.

Sissy stood and clapped happily for them. "That was some real fine dancing, sir. Best I ever seen you dance!"
"Thank you, Sissy. I owe Eve here all the credit."
"You're a real fine dancer Miss Eve."
"Thank you, Sissy."
"Shall I play another song?"
"No. You may return to your duties I think we'll try it without the music for now." Simon replied and Sissy quickly left the room.
"Shall we resume?" Simon asked and Eve breathed in before resting her hands in his. They began to dance each creating the music in their head. Their bodies moved in perfect synchrony as if choreographed by fate itself. With every step, their gazes locked in an intimate exchange, speaking volumes in silent whispers. Their hands intertwined, guiding each other with gentle precision.
Their dance was a tender exploration of desire and devotion, each movement a declaration of love. They spun and twirled, lost in the intoxicating rhythm of their hearts beating as one. Every touch ignited a spark, sending shivers of electricity coursing through their veins.
As the world around them faded into insignificance, they existed solely in this moment of pure connection. Eve could feel the heat from his body emanating off of him and she wanted to lean in and feel his lips on her and before she realized what she was doing she was doing exactly that.
Their lips met in a tender collision, igniting a symphony of emotions that reverberated through their souls. In that fleeting moment, time stood still as the world around them faded into obscurity. The kiss was a delicate dance of longing and passion, a silent exchange of promises and desires. Soft sighs escaped their lips, mingling with the sweet taste of anticipation. It was a kiss that spoke volumes, conveying a depth of connection that transcended mere words. And as they finally parted, breathless and intertwined, they knew that this kiss marked the beginning of the end.

Hopefully you all enjoyed this chapter. Eve's master is in Philadelphia looking for her and she's engulfed in a waltz that will now offset the course of her life. I'm preparing for a trip to the Bahamas! I'm all packed and ready to go. I can't wait to feel the sand under my feet and feel the sun on my face. I NEED this vacation lol. I did some family history research and learned my great-grandmother was from the bananas before moving to the states and that has for some reason made me so proud. It feels as if I'm returning home. I may cry. Sorry. Well, until next time!

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