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Simon struggled to focus on the show before him. He'd been having a hard time focusing on anything other than the woman he'd met back at Mrs. Paulson's house. Eve. That's what she said her name was. Simon hadn't meant to comment on her beauty but he couldn't help himself. She was in fact too beautiful to be considered anyone's housekeeper.
"Simon are you listening?"
The sound of Celia's voice brought him out of his thoughts and he turned to face her noticing the frown on her beautiful face.
"Forgive me, my dear I have ran away with my thoughts."
"Apology forgiven. But, I was asking would you be coming over for lunch tomorrow? Aunt Mary is having brownies made as she knows they're your favorite."
"That sounds like a wonderful idea."
"Perfect. Oh, I can't wait to catch up! It's been so long. We really need to start planning the wedding. I'm thinking a honeymoon in Paris."
"Oh, yes. My friend Isabelle just came back and she says it's absolutely Devine. I must go."
"Are you going to talk the entire time?"
Mrs. Paulson asked and Simon was grateful for her interruption.
"Im sorry, aunt. We were just discussing wedding details."
"Save that for tomorrow. Tonight, we watch the show."
"Please excuse me." Simon said and stood up from the chair to leave. The men in attendance would usually gather in the men's parlor where they would partake in whiskey and cigars while the women watched the show. Simon was no different and needing an out to get away from Celia he was glad for whoever came up with the idea.
"Allen! You're back?" Simon looked up to find his good friend Peter Murphy sitting down in a chair with a glass of whiskey in hand.
"Hello, Peter. I've only just arrived this morning."
"Had to come and parade your beautiful fiancé I see. No need to step on our already bruised egos you're a lucky man, Simon Allen."
Peter lifted his glass to Simon and took and drink. Simon accepted a glass from a waiter and lifted it in return before taking it back.
"Have you heard there's talk of impending war? Seems the idea of slavery is dying due to industrialization here in the north." Another man by the name of Gabriel Jonas said.
"I agree. We've being turning profit faster than anything I've seen before. The use of slave labor reduces with each profit as its far slower." Peter responded.
Simon held on to his glass. He hated this conversation. He wasn't fond of slavery and had come from a family that never was. Although he never deemed himself to be an abolitionist like Mrs. Paulson he simply didn't believe that one should have the right to own another's person.
"I say the southerner are holding on to their way of life which in my opinion slows the direction the country is trying to head. Can't they see that industrialism is the way to go?" Gabriel asked.
"Simon, what do you think?" Peter asked.
"I do believe that if war should happen it would be long overdue. I agree that due to the industrialization of machinery that production turnaround has increased and that slave labor will soon be unneeded. The country is moving forward and making strides and so we should all follow suit."
The men raised their glasses in agreement and went back to talking this time about other news and the latest gossip.
When it was near the ending of the show, Simon returned to his box where Celia and Mrs. Paulson sat. Celia noticed him first and frowned when he sat down.
"It is not right for a gentleman to leave his intended and go smoke cigars and drink whiskey." She stated and folded her arms across her chest.
"My apologies, again. I noticed a potential business investor and needed to speak with him immediately."
"Leave him be, Celia. Come, it is time to go home." Mrs. Paulson said as she slipped into her coat with the help of Simon.
"Aunt, he must understand that if we are to be married there are certain expectations of him!"
Simon's jaw clenched and he managed to keep his face clear of any emotion.
"Well you're not married yet. Let the man have a little fun." Simon was glad Mrs. Paulson was on his side.
"A lady does not discuss personal matters in public, Celia. I don't know what they are teaching you back home in Virginia but it simply is not done. Now, come along. With any luck Eve has prepared a few brownies for me to snatch up a few before bed."
The older woman walked out of the box and into the hallway, Celia right on her heels. Something within Simon stirred a the mention of Eve and he suddenly couldn't wait to see her. Her golden skin was flawless from what he could see and her dark eyes were sultry and alluring. But it was her full mouth that had hypnotized him and drew him to her like a siren's call.
"Are you coming, Simon?" Celia asked and Simon realized he had been standing around thinking of another woman when his intended was not but a few feet away.
"Yes, I'm coming."

Eve finished the last of the brownies Mrs. Paulson had asked her to make and placed them in the cold box with a towel over them in order to keep them fresh. She had set aside a few for both Mrs. Paulson and Celia to have as a late dessert as she knew Mrs. Paulson loved her sweets. It was the woman's one weakness and Eve didn't fault her for it.
Eve removed the scarf from head and unpinned her hair, letting it fall past her shoulders. She sighed as she continued to clean up the dishes before retiring for bed. She had a long day ahead of her tomorrow. She needed to go into the market and then to the seamstress and see about getting a few of Mrs. Paulson's dresses mended.
The sound of a carriage approaching had Eve sitting down the dishes and going to the door to greet her landlady and Celia. She watched as the carriage came to a stop and the footman stepped down to open the door. Mrs. Paulson emerged first and she smiled when she saw Eve.
"Oh, Eve. You didn't have to wait up."
"I was just finishing the brownies. I even sat a few aside." Eve said with a wink.
"How sweet of you. I hope you set some aside for yourself. I don't care how much you want to move I simply won't allow you to leave me. You're far too efficient."
"I'll stay as long as need be." Eve said. She then saw the man named Simon step out and then extend his hand towards Celia who took it and climbed out of the carriage.
"Oh, hello Eve."
"Celia. Did you enjoy the show?"
"It certainly was something." Celia said as she walked into the house. Eve turned towards Simon and once again he tipped his hat to her. Eve smiled and watched as he climbed back into the carriage.
Walking back into the house Eve helped Celia remove her coat and hung it up. She could tell Celia was upset about something and wondered if it had anything to do with Simon. He appeared just as equally apprehensive.
"Seriously, Celia," Mrs. Paulson said as she walked into the drawing room, both Celia and Eve following behind her, "you have to understand that men operate on a different set of rules. You can't force your man to sit in on a show made for women." Mrs. Paulson explained.
Celia let out a huff as she flopped down on the couch.
"So I'm not meant to have any opinions in my marriage?"
Eve figured this was a private conversation and decided to announce her departure.
"If you'll not be needing me further, I'll head to bed."
"Goodnight, Eve."
Eve nodded and walked out of the room. She turned down the candles and headed up the stairs. In her small bedroom she changed into her night dress and braided her hair. She thought back on the conversation she'd heard between Celia and Mrs. Paulson and figured Celia was having problems with Simon. She hoped things between them mended and they could go on to get married.
Lying in bed, Eve stared out of the window at the dark sky lost in her thoughts. She usually let her mind roam as it was the only time she could and her mind raced as wildly as her heart. She thanked whoever was above watching over her, allowing her to live out her life as a free woman making her own wage and determining her own path for her life.
Eve thought on the friends she left behind and prayed for them as well. She thought about her mother and prayed that her soul continued to rest peacefully.
"Your dream for me has come true mama." Eve whispered. She wiped the lone tear from her eye and turned over and went to bed.

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