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Eve arrived at the house with minutes to spare and was quickly ushered inside. The night of the party had arrived and she was a nervous wreck. Eve sought out Annabelle in the throng of servants moving about the house preparing for the evenings festivities.
Eve spun around and found Annabelle coming from the drawing room. She was dressed in a black and white maids uniform and Eve's eyes widened in apprehension when she realized she too would be wearing the same thing. To her despair, Annabelle proudly held up the uniform and Eve groaned.
Upstairs in Annabelle's bedroom, Eve sat in the chair letting Annabelle fix her hair for the night. Eve discreetly looked about the room in the dim light. Aside from the bed there wasn't much in the room except a writing desk a small bedside table and a dresser.
"It's not much but it's way more than I had back home." Annabelle said and Eve wondered how she knew Eve was looking about the room.
"It's more than I've had also."
"You escaped didn't you?" Eve looked up her eyes wide with fear.
"Don't worry. Your secret is safe with me. But it's true, non?"
"Yes. My master he..." Eve struggled to find the words but she couldn't. She didn't want to remember.
Annabelle patted her on the shoulder sympathetically.
"You are safe now." Annabelle assured.

Simon stood in the foyer prepared to greet his guests. Annabelle had outdone herself and Simon made a mental note to give the woman a raise in her salary. Fixing his cravat he smoothed his hair back away from his face and straightened out his dinner jacket. From the corner of his eye he caught movement and saw Eve walking past the foyer going into a room. He craned his neck to get a better glimpse of her but all he could see was the back of her dress.
The sound of someone clearing their throat caught his attention and Simon turned to meet Annabelle's hard gaze.
"I do hope you remember your manners tonight." She warned him and Simon straightened like a child who had been scolded. When she left out of the foyer he smiled to himself. He'd have all night to look upon Eve's beautiful face. The doorbell pull sounded and a butler entered to open the door. Simon pasted on a smile and prepared for tonight.

Eve moved about the house carrying a tray of champagne glasses. She walked slowly as to not drop the tray and break the glasses but the house was filled to capacity and everywhere Eve went she was bumping into someone. She had just managed to make it back into the kitchen where the other servants were washing dishes and she sat the tray down letting out a breath of relief.
"Eve, you've been on your feet all night," Sally a hired servant started, "have you eaten?"
"No ma'am but I'm fine. I'll eat when the party is over." She went to stand and felt strong hands pushing her back down into her chair.
"You'll eat now. Heaven forbid you drop in the middle of the floor in front of everyone. People will think we run a plantation." Annabelle said sternly.
"Annabelle, I can't stop what I'm doing. I've been hired to..."
"You weren't hired to starve, child. Let someone else pick up the slack. Sally, bring this child a plate."
Sally did as she was told and sat the plate in front of Eve. Eve's stomach rumbled at the sight of the food and she shook head. Perhaps she could eat a bite and go back to finish her duties.
"Just one bite and I'm then going back out there." Eve stated.
"You will not leave until that plate is cleared. You're a hard worker that I understand but no one will fault you for taking care of yourself for a change."
Eve thought about what Annabelle had said. She had lived a life of servitude her entire life putting her needs aside to take care of others and now she was being asked to put herself first and it was foreign.
"I suppose you're right." Eve said and began to eat.
Simon had been circulating the room with Celia on his arm for most of the night. They had received numerous well wishes on their upcoming nuptials and Celia couldn't be more elated. Simon however, was solemn about the entire ordeal. Whenever someone asked him a question about the upcoming wedding he had had no qualms when Celia responded for him.
"Such a lovely affair. This is how it should be all the time." Celia said as they walked about the room. Simon nodded absentmindedly and looked around the room for the woman who had been the object of his attention for the better part of the evening.
Spotting Annabelle he discreetly looked around to see if Eve was nearby and when he didn't see her he became disappointed.
"I do say, Simon, tonight has been splendid!" Mrs. Paulson said as she walked up to him and Celia.
"Thank you. I had hoped everyone would enjoy themselves." He managed to catch Eve coming from the direction of the kitchen and he sighed in relief. Those dark alluring eyes of hers met his before she settled them on Mrs. Paulson who noticed her and waved.
"I do hope Eve is doing well." Mrs. Paulson said.
"She's been absolutely terrific to have. I think Annabelle has taken a liking to her as well."
"I'm glad to hear it. She's quite lonely and I'd love for her to make some friends."
"Can we discuss something other than the maid?" Celia asked with a bored tone.
"Come, Celia. Let us take a turn about the house. There are some people you should meet." Celia released her hold on Simon's arm and Simon noticed how he didn't miss the feeling of her being out of his embrace the way he did when Eve had stepped out of his.
"Fine. I'll be back, Simon."
"Take your time." He watched as the women went about the room.
"Ah, Simon, I've been looking everywhere for you." Simon heard the familiar voice of Peter and turned to face him.
"Hello, Peter. Are you enjoying yourself?"
"As best as one can nowadays. Although, I must say, Simon you are one lucky man with the ladies."
"I do not understand." Simon said.
"It's bad enough you have snatched up Celia but to have the most beautiful woman I've ever seen white or negro working the party now that's just being greedy."
Simon turned in the direction that Peter was staring at and saw Eve talking with another one of the servants. She held an empty tray at her hip and she seemed to be laughing.
"I don't pay attention to their looks only their ability to perform their duties." Simon tried to sound nonchalant but he was seething on the inside. A sense of entitlement had come over him and he wanted to slug poor Peter for simply admiring a woman that wasn't his nor could be for multiple reasons.
"It's a pity though. She'd make for nice company." Peter tsk. Simon clenched his fist and then released it.
"Have you heard anything else about the war?" Simon asked trying to sway the conversation elsewhere.
"Only the usual banter. There's a man out of Illinois named Abraham Lincoln who has been sweeping the nation with his debates on slavery and that its a sin. There's talk he could be running for the presidential election coming up however, it's all talk as of now."
Simon nodded as he was half listening, his attention on Eve. Peter must not have noticed for he kept talking, "people are beginning to believe that if there is war to come that this Lincoln fellow will spearhead it."
"You think so?" Simon asked his attention back on Peter.
"Only time will tell. The south must submit and get in line if this country is to move forward. We can only stay stagnant for too long. Eventually something will have to give and if war is the only way than so be it." Simon nodded in agreement and then watched as Peter stepped away to speak with someone else.
He turned back to look at Eve who worked the room as if she'd done it a hundred times before. And suddenly it hit him like a wave crashing onto the floor. How had he not seen it before? The pieces had been aligned the entire time.

Eve had been a slave.

The night had drawn to an end and people were leaving. Simon stood in the foyer and bade his guests farewell. Celia and Mrs. Paulson were the last of the guests and Celia took Simon's arm in hers.
"I had such a wonderful night. Would you mind escorting me to the carriage?"
"Of course." Simon said. Eve had appeared and was handing Celia and Mrs. Paulson their cloaks when Mrs. Paulson spoke.
"Eve, you will stay and help with the cleanup?"
"Yes, ma'am."
"Good girl."
"Seeing as it's too late to be traveling alone I think it would be a good idea to have Eve stay for the night. I can see that my men get her home in the morning." Simon said and he had to admit to himself that he was yet again being selfish.
"I think that a sound idea. Eve you'll stay. We'll see you tomorrow morning."
Eve waved goodbye to Mrs. Paulson and watched as Simon walked out with Celia towards their carriage.
Eve watched as the other servants cleaned up and took a deep breath before joining in. Hours later they had put the house back to right and Eve was bone tired. She entered the drawing room where she put out the candles and flopped into the sofa letting out a sigh of relief. Her feet ached and she most certainly could go for a hot bath but that would have to wait.
"Comfortable?" Eve quickly scurried to her feet and looked up to see Simon in the doorway his arms crossed and a small smile on his face.
"Forgive me. I didn't mean...I was only..."
"You don't have to explain. Please, sit." Eve glanced between the sofa and back up at Simon.
"I shouldn't."
"I saw how hard you worked tonight you have definitely earned it. If you won't sit I will." And Simon crossed into the room and took a seat on the sofa. He patted the empty space beside him and Eve reluctantly sat down making sure to leave an appropriate amount of space between them.
"Much. Thank you."
"I'm afraid I must be honest here Eve and say that I know that I am not the only one who feels there is something between us. Something we can't quite understand."
"I'm not sure I know what you mean."
"I think you do. The stolen glances the heated looks. You can't tell me you don't feel the same."
Eve licked her lips nervously and something inside Simon stirred. He willed himself to settle down. She was far too beautiful than she knew.
"Even if that is true we both know it's foolish. It's just a silly attraction."
"I don't find anything about this silly."
Simon reached out and touched her chin. Eve moved away from him standing up off of the sofa.
"I feel much better. I should go and find Annabelle."
"Of course. Forgive me." Eve nodded and quickly left the room. Simon was right there was an attraction there but nothing could ever come of it. But when he had touched her in that moment she wanted so much to put aside what was deemed appropriate in society and let him kiss her that is until she looked into his eyes and saw the green reflect back and she immediately thought of him.
Eve knew if she were to remain free she had to stay away from Simon for she felt he would be the catalyst to her downfall.

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