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Simon dressed with one purpose in mind-to see Eve before she left. He walked out of his bedroom just in time to find Eve walking out of one of the spare rooms she'd been using and their eyes met.
"Good morning, Eve." Simon said.
"Good morning, sir."
"Simon. You can call me Simon."
"That's too informal. If you'll excuse me." She started towards the stairs when Simon called out to her.
"You were running away," Eve stopped in her tracks and turned to look at him, "from your master. Am I correct?"
Eve's eyes widened her heartbeat began to race. Oh, no. If he could find out so easily then she wasn't fooling anyone. Quickly she rushed to him and pulled him into the bedroom she'd just left closing the door behind them.
"Who told you?"
"No one. I figured it out. It makes sense why you were so afraid that day."
Eve paced the floor and Simon looked on in concern. Surely she knew that nothing would happen to her. He would see to that.
"I must go. I can't stay here." She went to the door but he blocked it.
"You don't have to leave."
"I must! Don't you understand? If you can figure it out then everyone can and if everyone can then...then he can..."
"Find you?"
"Yes! I must leave. I must keep going north." Simon took hold of her hand on the doorknob and lifted her chin so that her dark gaze met his.
"You don't have to leave, Eve. Your secret is safe with me."
"How can you be so sure? Annabelle has figured it out and now you. No. I must go."
"I wouldn't let anything happen to you."
"How can I trust you? He said the same thing to me and yet everyday of my life I spent fighting him off of me! I don't plan on wasting my one shot at freedom doing the same thing."
"I am not him, Eve. I would never hurt you. You don't have to leave."
"I can't stay here. It's too dangerous. Chances are he's looking for me as we speak."
"So long as I'm around you're safe," Simon touched her cheek and wiped away the lone tear that had fallen, "I will keep you safe."
Simon frowned, "I don't understand."
"Why do you care? I'm a runaway slave with nothing to my name. I mean nothing. I am nothing."
"You mean something to me." Eve had heard those words before but those were from another set of green eyes. These were much more kinder and softer.
"Fine. I'll stay. But promise me you won't tell anyone."
"I promise. Now, surely you weren't going to leave before breakfast? Annabelle would disapprove."
Eve let out a laugh and wiped away her tears, "I suppose that's true. She's been such a good friend I couldn't possibly leave so soon."
Simon smiled and escorted her out of the room. Eve descended the stairs and found Annabelle at the bottom waiting on her.
"I hope you weren't planning to leave without eating first."
"I reminded Eve how rude that would be."Simon said coming up behind Eve.
Annabelle put her hand on her large hip and let out a hmph.
"Come, child." She said as she led Eve towards the kitchen. Simon smiled after the two and then headed to his study where he sat behind his desk. He thought about his conversation with Eve and how frightened she was that he knew her secret.
Simon saw real fear in her eyes the same fear he saw when she rushed into the shop that day. He had heard the horrific stories of cruel masters and he wondered if Eve had experienced any abuse.

He thought back to their conversation and recalled Eve saying she had to fight him off. Was he forcing himself upon her? The thought made him sick. He tried not to imagine a frightened Eve fighting off a man twice her size. Simon's blood boiled and his hand fisted as he banged it on the desk.
He had to protect her. Whoever this man was he could not have Eve. Simon wouldn't allow it. The sound of knocking on the door caught his attention and he looked up to find Annabelle walking in carrying a tray of food. She sat it down on the table in front of him.
"Eve tells me you know her secret." Annabelle said.
"I do. I promised her I wouldn't say anything."
"I see the way you look at her. Ain't never look at Celia that way."
"I'm afraid I don't know what you mean." Simon took a sip of his coffee before sitting the mug down. Annabelle sucked teeth and began berating him in Haitian. Simon leaned back in the chair and stared up at her.
"Is that all you have to say?" He asked.
"That child is alone and scared she doesn't need a man who is engaged and I might I add forbidden, to be sniffing after her. She needs friends."
"I'm being her friend."
"But you would like to be be more than that." Annabelle didn't pose the question it was more of a fact and deep down Simon agreed with her. If he had a choice he'd choose Eve.
"As you've said, I'm engaged and it's...forbidden."
"I've invited Eve to go with me to the vigilante community meeting tonight. She wants to help aid in the ending of slavery."
"I know. We've discussed it."
Annabelle stared at him for so long Simon thought something was wrong. Looking up from the tray he frowned.
"Anything else I've done wrong?"
"You must stay away from her. She doesn't deserve any heartbreak coming from you." Annabelle said pointing her finger in his face.
"Is that what you think I'm going to do? Break her heart?"
Annabelle began yelling in her native tongue and Simon leaned back in his chair once more feeling like a boy being scolded by his mother. However, his mother had never scolded him the way Annabelle did.
"You are a good man, Simon but you are white! The two of you could never be together. And there's Celia!"
There was that.
"You're right. I'll leave her alone."
"Good. I'll leave you to your work." With that, Annabelle left the room and Simon placed his face in his hands and groaned.

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