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Simon sat at the table and waited as the servants placed his breakfast before him. He'd just dug in to eat when he caught Annabelle walking past the dining room dressed in a new dress he'd not seen before. She stopped in front of the mirror hanging on the wall directly outside of the room he occupied and he watched as she checked her reflection.
"Going somewhere, Annabelle?" Simon asked amused. His head housekeeper ever efficient she was, was also the life of any gathering she attended.
"Today is the ice cream social down at the church, sir." Annabelle replied as she fixed the bonnet on her head and adjusted her cape. Simon recalled Eve mentioning such event he also recalled her mentioning having been invited by a man. Suddenly he lost his appetite and pushed the plate away from him.
Annabelle turned then and walked into the dining room.
"I am free to go, aren't I?"
"Your Sundays are for you to do as you wish. I ran into Eve a few days ago and she mentioned she too would be attending."
"Yes. I'll meet her there she's riding over with Alex Ford. Have you heard of him?"
"Can't say I have. Is he a nice fellow?"
Annabelle shrugged her shoulders, "nice enough. He'll be good for her."
Simon didn't like the sound of that. He wanted to be good for her. Standing, he walked over towards Annabelle and looked her over.
"Have a good time today. Give Eve my regards."
"Will do. Any plans today?"
"I am to escort Celia to a party this evening. Don't wait up for me."
Annabelle nodded before walking out of the room. Simon sighed. He would much rather watch squirrels play than to escort Celia to the party but as her intended he had to play the part. He thought back on the gold satin fabric back at Ms. O'Brien's shop and a warm feeling came over him. He pictured Eve's face when she received her package and that was enough to get him through the day.

Eve unbraided her hair and used the brush on the table to brush out the waves. She quickly dressed in one of her new blouses and skirt waist and stepped into her shoes. She smiled at her reflection and had to admit she felt real giddy about seeing Alex.
She never been courted before and it was all so exciting. She now understood why Celia got so excited whenever she talked about Simon or when he would come over.
Eve stepped out of her room and raced down the steps. Alex would be here soon and she didn't wish to make him wait. Celia and Mrs. Paulson had gone out to see about one of Mrs. Paulson's sick friends which left Eve alone.
Quickly, Eve looked over her reflection in the small mirror hanging on the wall and satisfied with her look opened the door to stand outside and wait for Alex. A few minutes later she could see him coming around the corner driving a wagon. She smiled widely and waved at him watching as he tipped his hat to her. When he approached her he pulled on the reins and hopped down off the wagon, walking towards Eve.
"I must say Miss Eve, you sure are the most beautiful woman I've ever laid eyes on." Alex said holding his hat to his chest.
"Thank you, Alex. Shall we go?"
"After you." Alex said extending his hand towards the wagon. Eve walked ahead of him and Alex helped her up on the wagon before walking around and climbing up regaining the reins and starting off towards the church.
"I've never been to an ice cream social before," Eve started when the silence between them became too much, "what happens at one?" She asked turning to face him.
"There's usually sack races and horse shoe tossing and dancing. Someone usually brings out the fiddle and people get to dancing and sometimes even lose track of time."
"Sounds like a lot of fun! Do you eat alot of ice cream? I never had ice cream!" Eve wanted to slap herself for sounding so silly. She sounded like a child never having explored the world except, she was a grown woman who had never explored the world. Never had anything as simple as ice cream.
"What else have you never done I wonder." Alex said with a smile.
"I'm sorry. I sound like a child who's never been anywhere."
"Don't apologize. I'm just glad to know that your first time eating ice cream will be shared with me." At that moment he looked at her and smiled and Eve smiled back.


Simon entered the grand hall with Celia on his arm and cursed himself for wanting to be anywhere but. He forced a smile as he greeted those around him and quickly located a waiter walking about holding a tray full of champagne glasses. Excusing himself from Celia he walked over towards the waiter and plucked a flute from the tray drowning the drink in one gulp before plucking another one.
"Simon! Didn't think I'd see you tonight." Simon turned towards the voice and groaned when he saw Peter approaching him. He took one more flute from the tray and walked away to meet Peter.
"Peter. Good to see you again."
"Here with Celia I imagine. You sure are a lucky one." Simon hummed in response not sure how to respond.
"I'm to host a party myself in the near future and wanted you to give me the information on that pretty little ditty you had serving at yours. Does she work for anyone you know?" Peter asked.
"I don't mind letting you hire Annabelle." Simon responded. He didn't like the look in Peter's eyes when he mentioned Eve. Perhaps he was just being in overprotective.
"Nah, no offense but Annabelle's none my taste. That girl at your party was...well...let's just say I'd like her to serve me in more ways than one." Peter laughed and elbowed Simon who quickly scanned the room for another tray full of flutes.
"I'll see what I can do." He said before walking off. He spotted Celia surrounded by a crowd of men and groaned as he made his way towards her. Standing beside her he smiled at the group of men before looking at Celia.
"Oh, Simon. I want you to meet a family friend. This is William Taylor. William, my intended, Simon Allen." Celia introduced them and the men shook hands.
"William claims to be looking for a slave of his that had run away," Celia started, "it's a shame that such good folk have to deal with the stubbornness of their property." She said with a roll of her eyes. Simon looked at her with newfound shock.
"With any luck she hasn't gone any further than Philadelphia." William said before taking a sip of his drink.
"I truly hope you find her. We don't need any runaways mucking this good city. They should know their place and respect their betters." Celia replied with a smile.
Simon took a deep breath and motioned for a waiter who came over with a tray. Plucking a flute he drowned the drink in one gulp and braced himself for the night ahead.

Eve clapped as she watched Alex win another round of horse shoe tossing. She had been enjoying herself and the ice cream which she embarrassingly had had a significant amount of. She watched as another man took the loser's place, handing her his hat and instructing her to kiss it for good luck.
"Sorry Amos, if there's going to be any kissing done by that woman it'll be for me." Alex said and winked at Eve.
"I think you've got yourself a beau." Annabelle said as she came up beside Eve.
"Oh, I don't think so. He's just being nice." Eve said as she turned to watch the game.
"I never seen him court anyone before and I've known Alex since he arrived back in '55."
"He's a slave?" Eve whispered and Annabelle nodded.
"Most folks here are."
"Does he know about me?"
"No, child. Only I hold your secret." Eve breathed a sigh of relief.
"I figured you'd be more comfortable around people that understood your story. Perhaps if you saw for yourself that life after slavery is possible you'd be more confident to live it."
Eve wanted to cry. She had felt so alone since coming to Philadelphia never thinking anyone would understand her and yet here she was surrounded by so many people who understood just what she had went through and was experiencing.
"Thank you, Annabelle."

Rain. It had begun to rain and Eve watched as everyone scrambled to gather their things and run towards their wagons or on foot towards the nearest shelter.
"Come, Eve. I'll take you home." Alex said as he grabbed her hand. Eve raced to match his steps but his long strides made it difficult. By the time they reached the wagon they were soaked through. Annabelle had caught up to them and the three of them climbed into the wagon.
"I'll drop you off first, Annabelle." Alex stated as he set the wagon in motion.
"Very kind of you, Alex." They rode home in silence and the rain poured in earnest.

Alex pulled the wagon to a stop in front of Mrs. Paulson's house and Eve noticed the lamp in the older woman's window still burning.
"My landlady is still awake I see. She'll want to know how my day went."
"I hope you had a great time." Alex replied with a smile that made Eve blush.
"I did. Thank you." Alex climbed out of the wagon and walked around stopping beside Eve and taking her hand in his to help her down.
"I'd like to see you again, Eve. Perhaps a picnic when I'm not busy."
Eve went to speak when she saw a carriage approach the house behind the wagon. She watched as the footman opened the door and Celia stepped out. Her heart raced in anticipation of seeing Simon and when he emerged from the carriage she felt as if she were seeing him for the first time. Alex turned towards the two then,
"Is that Mrs. Paulson's niece?"
"Yes. And that's her fiancé, Simon." Alex nodded and turned to face Eve.
"What do you say?"
"About what?"
"Me seeing you again. Is that alright?"
"Eve? Whatever are you doing out here so late? Does aunt Mary know?" Celia asked as she eyed Alex, a frown on her face.
"Good evening, Celia. We were just returning from an ice cream social at the church." Eve explained.
"I see. Well, don't linger too long." With one last look at Alex she smiled at Simon and walked into the house.
"I should get going myself," Alex said, "I'll call on you tomorrow if that's ok. You don't have to answer right away." With that he tipped his hat towards Eve and again towards Simon before climbing onto the wagon and driving away.
In that moment Eve realized she was alone with Simon. She chanced a glance his way and saw that he was watching her. His green eyes intense and longing. His eyes held a yearning so profound, it seemed to reach into the very core of her being. There was a certain vulnerability in his expression, a longing to bridge the distance between desire and reality. It was as if every fiber of his being was reaching out, desperately seeking connection, understanding, and fulfillment.
"Goodnight, Eve." Simon said as he turned towards his carriage.
"Simon!" Eve called out and watched as he stopped in his tracks slowly turning to face her. Now that she had gotten his attention she wasn't sure what to say. Should she apologize for being seen with Alex?
Why did she feel guilty?
Why did every thought of him  pull her deeper into forbidden territory? Despite knowing the potential consequences, the desire burned bright, a flame she couldn't extinguish. The constant battle between the heart and the mind, each tug of longing countered by the weight of rationality.


So I keep forgetting that everyone likes spaces between the chapters. I'll work on it. I hope you all enjoy this chapter I'm currently fleshing out the next few. I'm getting ready to go on vacation to the Bahamas and so I'm trying to give you all a few good chapters before I go. Writer's block has had me in a chokehold and I'm slowly starting to get the juices flowing again. Until next time...

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