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The carriage came to a stop and the footman opened the door. Simon stepped out first and extended his hand to which Eve took and once again he felt the shock he had felt before. This time he was sure Eve felt it as she quickly removed her hand from his as if it were on fire. So he affected her the way she did him?
"I'm sure Mrs. Paulson is expecting you. I'll go around back." Eve said.
"Do you always do that?" Simon asked.
"Do what?"
"Enter the house from the back."
"Oh. Well, no. It's just easier. I've been doing since I was a..." she caught herself and pressed her lips together as if to stop herself from talking. Simon figured she was hiding something and he wanted to know what. He also wanted to feel her lips on his and know for himself whether they felt as soft as they looked.
"I must go." She said and she quickly walked towards the back of the house.
Simon entered the house. He could hear the sound of the piano and so walking out of the foyer and into the drawing room he found Celia at the piano playing and Mrs. Paulson standing over her.
Mrs. Paulson looked up and smiled, "Simon! You're early." Celia stopped playing and turned to face him, her face lighting up.
"Oh, Simon you weren't supposed to hear me. I wanted to perfect it before your party."
"It sounds amazing. I don't see anywhere that needs perfecting."
"Told you, aunt Mary." Celia said as she got up from the bench and went over to Simon who placed a kiss on her cheek.
"We shall have lunch in the sitting room. It's awfully cold outside and I don't want to catch my death." Mrs. Paulson said walking out of the room.
"I agree. I hope you don't mind but I brought Eve home. I found her in town and decided since we were going the same way."
"I don't mind at all. How nice of you." At that moment Eve appeared carrying a tray of sandwiches and a pitcher of lemonade.
"Will you be eating in the sitting room?"
She asked.
"Yes. Thank you, Eve." Eve smiled and walked out of the room.
"Just wait until you see the dress I'm having made for your party, Simon. It's practically to die for. All the ladies in attendance will be jealous. I'll be best dressed and on the arm of the most sought after man in town." Celia said as they all walked out of the drawing room and down the hall to the sitting room.
"One mustn't brag, dear. It doesn't look good on a lady." Mrs. Paulson warned.
"It's not bragging if it's true. My dress is going to be the best and I will be on the arm of the most sought after man in town."
"I'm sure you'll look beautiful no matter what you wear, Celia." Simon assured. He watched as Eve reappeared into the room going about her chores efficiently. She sat out plates and glasses and then left again. Simon caught himself staring after her and cleared his throat hoping no one saw him but the two women were too engrossed in the spread before them.
"Who else have you invited to the party?" Celia asked before taking a bite of her sandwich.
"A few prominent people of the city and some from New York City as well."
"How wonderful. It is sure to be a lovely time." Mrs. Paulson said.
"I sure hope so. It's been a while since I've hosted anything of the such and I figured it was time."
"When we are wed I'd like to host a party for every occasion!" Celia declared.
"Celia, you must chew your food!" Mrs. Paulson scolded.
"I'm sorry aunt. I was too excited."
"Speaking of weddings. We have yet to start planning yours. The two of you have been betrothed since birth I do believe it's time we start discussing."
"I agree!" Celia cried.
"I'm sure whatever you women come up with will be lovely. Just tell me where to show up and I'll be there."
"Men." Celia said with a roll of her eyes and she picked up another sandwich.
Eve walked into the room and all three of them looked at her.
"Forgive me but, you have a visitor." Eve said to Mrs. Paulson.
"It's a Mr. Richardson."
"Oh, of course. Celia, I would like for you to come. Mr. Richardson is someone I would like for you to meet." Celia excused herself and followed her aunt out of the room. Eve walked towards the table and began clearing the plates.
"I've been thinking," Simon started and Eve looked up at him, "if you cannot come as a guest than perhaps I could hire you to assist my housekeeper."
"Yes. You know, I'll pay you." Eve thought on his offer for a moment.
"I suppose it wouldn't hurt. What would you need me to do?"
"You would have to ask Annabelle. She's my head housekeeper."
"Annabelle is your housekeeper?"
"Yes. Do you know her?"
"Yes. She's a good friend of mine. My, this is a small town."
"It is indeed. So you're agreeable? You'll do it?"
"I would of course have to ask Mrs. Paulson but I don't mind."
"Of course."
Eve left the room and Simon smiled to himself. He selfishly wanted her there under any capacity and if it meant she'd be there under a domestic capacity so be it. Simon had to admit it was devious but there was a part of him that didn't care. There was some depth to her he suppose he was drawn to and he wanted to know more about her.
Celia and Mrs. Paulson returned shortly and the three of them finished their lunch while discussing the upcoming party and the wedding that would soon follow.

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