Without another spare thought

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Wyatt started to confess that it was his uncle to asked him to stalk and kill Allison because she was not born in this country. Wyatt, against the advice of his lawyer told them how his uncle taught him why to hate foreigners and what they should do about it. He even provided the location of the murder weapon for Allison.

"My uncle like to collect things from the women. Something that they held dear. I gave him the necklace from Allsion. He turned around and gave it to my cousin. That is how he likes to showcase his trophies." Wyatt told the detectives. With the information, charges were set against Wright and a judge issued a search warrant for his house and the jewelry of his family members.

"This is ridiculous. My father is not a serial killer." His daughter stood there with her arms crossed. Raven was there to execute the warrant.

"We have probable cause. Now, the locket around your neck. Take it off." Raven held out her gloved hand.

"My father said he found it at an antique shop. It does not even open." The daughter took it off and handed it to Raven. Raven moved her thumb over the silver, pressing down. A click and the locket slide open, fanning out to show the pictures inside. "No." The woman whispered.

"This was my twin sister's locket." Raven pulled out her locket to show her. "I know you don't want to believe it, but your father is not the man you know. The necklace that your daughter was given was taken from Allison Roger's body after she was murdered." Raven informed her. The woman went to her daughter and took off the necklace, telling her that it had to go with the detective to be returned to their rightful owner.

In total, nearly twenty pieces of jewelry were recovered, along with journals that Wright wrote expressing himself about the murders. In his sick mind, he thought he was providing a service by eliminating people who were not born in the country, to make room for the ones who were.

The next day after the arrest of Wright...

"Hell, we are all immigrates. My family came from Germany and France in the 1800s." Fellows said, reading over the journal entries. Raven nodded, looking over the journals. Danny was reading them too.

"Been a hell of a week, Danny." Raven remarked to him.

"It has. I will be leaving tomorrow for home. My parents are coming in to talk about what happen when I was nine." Danny stood up to stretch his back.

"I am grateful that you survive the attack. Listen, without you, we would not have solved this case. Or my sister's." Raven took his hand.

"It is all Allison. If she never wrote me, I would have never heard about her death." Danny could not take the credit.

"I talked to Allison's mother. Once the trial is over, she wants me to keep Allison's necklace." Raven told him. "Danny, I want you to have it. I think Allison would have wanted you to have it." Danny nodded, saying thank you.

Raven's family had a special dinner in honor of Shantelle's memory at the restaurant. Danny, Fellows with family, and Jennings was invited. Happy times were talked about, and pictures of the past were shared. Danny was announced to be part of the family now and the invitation to join them in Trinadad next summer was extended. Danny was gracious for their offer.

When Danny got home, his parents were already there. Sitting around the dining table, his parents opened up about the attack. They let him know more about the case and how the man was still in prison, serving a fifty-year term now since he went after Danny, and it was proved that he killed someone else before the murder that Danny witness.

"I want to see him." Danny told his parents who were dead set against it. Danny was determined. Getting on the next flight back to Washington, he asked to see the man who tried to take his life.

"Adam Martin?" Danny asked the man who picked up the phone on the other side of the glass.

"Yea. Who are...the kid?" Adam asked, his thick brown knotted together.

"Yes, I am the kid you tried to kill. I just remember about the attack recently." Danny told him. "I just need to know why."

Adam chewed up his lip. "I am stupid. Jacked up on drugs, thinking I could get away with killing people. I was wrong. After I got cleaned, I realized that I am too messed to live in normal society. I mean, I tried to fucking kill you. You were just nine. What mess up person does that? Me. I tried. I thank God every day that your dad came busting in there, beating my ass. Tell me that you are doing something good with your life."

"I just help solve the murders of several young women and put a serial killer behind bars." Danny told him through the phone. Adam nodded.

"That is good. You got an eye to see what is there. Now, don't think about me again, kid. Focus on your great future. I am where I need to be." Adam hung up the phone and told the guard that he was ready to go back to his cell. With a nod to Danny, Adam left the room. Taking a deep breath, Danny left without another thought spare.

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