Might be crazy

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Raven was pouring herself another cup of coffee. The night found her much like Danny, restless. She was hoping for any new leads.

"Just followed up in the last few leads. Nothing." Fellows contented, taking a seat. Their head was in their hands. "We have been in the game for a while and never had a case been so twisted. Even the veterans are shaking their heads in disbelief. I mean, what sicko goes and pisses on a young woman's grave?"

"A sicko who thinks they have cause." Raven replied with her stomach still turning at the thought and the remember of the smell. Her work phone rang. It was the front desk, saying that Danny wanted to see her.

"Thought he would be heading home." Fellows wondered as they went to the front. Danny was there with Uki in her bag. His phone was in his hand, and he was holding a pad of paper.

"I might be crazy, but maybe I have something." Danny told the detectives. Going into a room with a smart screen, Danny plugged in his phone. He pulled up Allison's Instagram.

"I searched through her posts, reels, and anything that would help. I noticed in the past that she would post several times a day. Cute stuff, pictures, what not. Recently, in the last two months, her activity went minimal. Like several days without posting."

"Maybe she was trying a break away from social media" Fellows implored, looking at the recent pictures she posted. There were mostly selfies.

"That is what I thought, but I noticed in the past, all her selfies had her in the center in the shot. These." Danny pulled up the last few posts. "She is far off center. She is not taking selfies. She is trying to take a picture of someone behind her. That person there." Danny pointed to the figure, too far to get details.

"The pictures on her phone." Raven expressed, taking the phone have the evidence bag. She hooked it up and pulled up her gallery. "Here and here. It looks to be the same figure. Fellows, the car. Old, beat up in cobalt blue. Like the one her sister said that she saw." Raven was amazing what Danny was able to find.

"There is a partial plate number. Giving this to the IT department, get the picture blow up." Fellows called a call to the department. They turned to Danny. "If you want a break from creating content, you are more than welcome to be an investigator."

Danny smiled shyly. "Thanks. Allison sent that letter for a reason. I am going to make sure I can do everything I can to see justice served." Danny looked back at the pictures on the smart screen. "If this helps the case to move forward, I will be happy."

Later that morning...

Danny was packed to leave the hotel. Uki was curled in in the bed, waiting on him to finish. Danny looked about, making sure he was not missing something. Checking out, he got in his car and started to leave. Oddly, he headed in the direction of the cemetery.

Allison's grave was bare and just the placard was there to mark her burial site. Danny sighed, placing a bouquet of colorful daisies down. From her past posts, she mentioned her love for daisies.

"The when, where, and how is answered. Now, who and why. Who killed you, Allison and why? Jealously? Angry? Someone was stalking you. Obsession turned to murder. Close enough to kill. Who was close enough to get to you?" Danny spoke to the air. Unfortunately, there was no answers in the wind.

Uki bark and growled. She was struggling to get from her bag. Danny turned to see someone in a dark hoodie walking pass. They kept their head down and face hidden.

"Hey!" Danny called out, standing up. The person took off in a run. Holding Uki to him, Danny gave chase. The person had a lead, but all the football games Danny played helped him close the gap. Stretching out, Danny grabbed the back on the hoodie.

"Fuck!" A male voice yelled, falling back on the ground. Danny stood over them. About the same age as Danny, the guy had black locks and chocolate skin. Opening his dark brown eyes, he stared at Danny with an awestruck look on his face. "You! You came?"

"Who are you and why did you run?" Danny grabbed the guy by the hoodie and picked him up.

"Julien and I run because...I was scared that someone would see me at Allison's grave." He looked towards her resting spot sadly.

"Who are you to her?" Danny asked. This was not the person in the picture for they were pale in complexion. Julien was well...black.

"Allison was my best friend on the down low. I am in the closet from my family. She was the only one who knew." Julien told him. "I have been trying to pay my respects, but I got worried that someone would think I had something to do with her...I can't believe she is gone." Julien broke down, crying.

"Here, let's go together. Say your goodbyes." Danny placed his arm around Julien's shoulder. Standing at Allison's grave, Julien cried, saying how he wished that he could have save her like she saved him. Julien had been helping with suicidal thoughts when Allison came in. Allison was able to get him talking. That was now four years ago.

"I own her everything. Now, what can I do?" Julien asked breathlessly.

"She wrote me a letter. Did you know about it?"

"Yea, she said that she was. I told her to tell me who she believed was stalking her. She was scared. I don't think she knew who." Julien looked at Danny. "There was a white guy that always gave me the creeps. The way he would just stare. There were a few times when Allison and I were out, he would be there, just...staring at us." Julien shook himself.

"We need to go tell Detective Coulier that guy's description." Danny told Julien. "Look, I get that you are scared about getting found out. I am guessing the night of her murder, you were with your partner." Julien nodded.

"When I heard about her death the next morning, I was so mad at myself. Josh, my boyfriend had to calm me down. He is open about himself, just keeps me secret because I asked." Julien quietly spoke.

Danny placed his hand on Julien's shoulder. "This has been eating you alive. You want to help your friend but scared that it will force you out. Julien, I can't make you do anything. Just...if the roles were reverse. If I was talking to Allison over your grave, what would she do?"

Julien smiled a bit. "She would be walking into the police station, waving the lesbian flag. I need to call Josh. He will meet us there." Julien replied, taking a breath.

"Now, I will go with you to your family's house if you want. I will be your support." Danny told Julien as they walked from the grave.

"I think I know why Allison wrote you, Danny. You are the only person who could see what else was in the picture." Julien patted Uki who was now licking his hand. 

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