Just a puppet

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A few days later...

Uki was loving the attention from Fellows's kids as she stayed at the house while Danny was at the police department. He was in a conference room, looking at the case files. There were pictures lined up on the board. All victims were young, single or dating. Danny was looking at the files. Something was linking these women together other than their missing jewelry.

"College, they were going to or attending the same college. The small one near here. Richer's College." Danny pointed out to Raven and Fellows. "Allison was going to attend to be a teacher. Just like these three. The others had different goals. That does not narrow anything, but..."

"An idea on how the perp got their home addresses. If they were on the campus, they could easily follow them. Open houses, you write your name and address on nearly every piece of paper." Fellows remarked, looking up. "It is an open campus too. The public can access it too.

"After ten years, someone still there as a student would be odd." Raven looked up from the notes.

"Not a student. A teacher. No one would look twice. Respected member of the community. Look at the BTK Killer." Danny turned from the board. "There was something else that was bugging me. Allison's name was changed a few months after she was born. She was adopted from Russia and given a more American name."

"Yes, but what does..."

"Sorry to interrupt but I can't stop. All these women were adopted from other countries or immigrated at a young age. I notice some notes in Rosa Mendes's file stating she came to the country when she was five. I looked at the others. All of them came from other countries. Now, I figured that a teacher would have access to personal files or overhear things spoken. They learned about their coming over to this country. For whatever reason don't like that and stalk them. Got their routine down and wait for the opportunity. With Allison, she jogged the trail just outside her house. There is a public parkway to the same trail just a mile from her house." Danny took a breath. He pointed out about the others, how their routine was nearly like clockwork given the notes and statements from family and friends.

"Oh shit." Fellows stared at Danny. "So, we are looking for someone older, good health and shape. Knows the areas well enough not to raise suspicion. A person who has a distaste for immigrates." Fellows looked at the board. Raven was silence, her eyes unfocused for a moment.

"Raven are you..." Danny suddenly came with the realization with what Raven was thinking. "Was a piece of jewelry missing from Shantelle?"

"Her locket. My father gave us matching lockets after we move to the state." Raven pulled her own copy of the locket. "There was a picture of our parents and us inside. It was believed that it was just lost since her purse was still with her."

"We need to look further back then." Fellows observed, looking at the board. Danny went to Raven. He placed his hand on her shoulder.

"Danny, this is the first lead in over fifteen years. Thank you." Raven told him with tears in her eyes. Danny squeezed her shoulder, unable to say anything. For the first time in his life, he felt like he was doing something that was bigger than he could imagine. He had to help give these people justice and their families peace.

A day later...

"A guy fitting the description gave by Julien was arrested last night for breaking and entering." Raven told Danny as he walked into the department. "Fellows and I will be conducting an interview. We want you on the other side of the glass, taking notes." Raen led Danny to the rooms. She got him set up in the observation room. On the other side, there was a young, white man wearing a dark hoodie. His face twisted int a sneer when the detectives walked in. He especially staring hatefully at Raven.

"Looks like a normal guy." Jennings joined Danny in the observation room. Since the day at the cemetery, Jennings's demeanor changes towards Danny. He was nicer and went out of his way to talk to Danny like an adult, not like a suspect.

"They always look normal." Danny said to Jennings. "Watch his eyes. How he is looking at Detective Coulier."

"Bigoted and racist. I should know. I still see that look on my own face at times." Jennings hung his head. Danny reached out and patted him on the shoulder. "How can you give me comfort when I was an asshole to you at first?"

"I am used to it. Being Jewish and Asian, I was picked on and hated for breathing. You are trying to change yourself to be a better person. It is never too late to be the positive." Danny smiled at him. Jennings nodded, gratefully.

"It was sick, seeing those two together." The guy, Dave Wyatt said. "They should go back to their own countries, all of them." He snarled, staring at the detectives.

"Is that you targeted Allison, you did not like the company she was keeping?" Fellows asked.

He cut his eyes at them. "It was sick. A black guy and a white girl. Should still be illegally. Hell, she should have never come here." The man's eyes went wide after he realized what he said. Danny caught that.

"He knew that she was from a different country." Danny noted.

"How could he? It was not common knowledge." Jennings questioned. His mind was turning with ideas. He looked over at Danny. "Why do I think he is just a puppet?"

"If he is a puppet, who is pulling the strings?" Danny made notes. The interview was cut short for Wyatt refused to say anything else without a lawyer. He was taken back to the cells since they could hold him for the B&E and possible involvement with Allison's death.

"Found his car. Older model, cobalt blue and the partial tags match." Raven told Danny and Jennings after coming back to the office. "What do you think?" She asked Danny.

"Jennings came up with a good point. This guy is not smart enough to know that Allison was born in the different country. He was told." Danny told Raven what they realized during the interview.

"A puppet. We have a list of teachers that have been working at the college for twenty years plus. Just five names. Two have been eliminated for they are women; one has been a paraplegic since they were fourteen. Just these two." Fellows showed the names.

"Nickolas Colton and Matthew Wright." Danny read the names out loud.

"Active members of the board at the college. Church goers. Family men. Colton is a big voice about the immigration laws, how they are not benefitting anyone. Wright has been more reserve in his views." Fellows showed pictures of the men.

Let's talk to both, about the killing of the women that attended the college." Danny advised to the detectives. He turned to Jennings. "You got the street smarts, look into their daily lives, see if there is any overlapping with the likes of Wyatt. We find the connection with Wyatt; we find the puppeteer."

"Seriously, we will give you recommendations if you want to change career paths." Raven told him.

"I might be disowned if I do. Nearly died once already because of a murder case." Danny shrugged.

"Wait, what?" Jennings asked in shock.

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