What was the reason?

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Late that evening...

Danny finally got home. After going to the police station with Julien and Josh, he went to Julien's house. His family was a bit stun at his announcement. His grandmother hugged him, saying that he was her grandbaby, and nothing was changing that. They welcome Josh with open arms and invited Danny to stay for an early dinner. Uki was a big hit at the house, getting love and attention from all.

After a shower and a bit of food, Danny laid back on his bed. He eyed the packages and letters that he left about his room. He popped up, looking at the returned addresses. None of them were Allison's. Taking a sigh of relief, Danny laid back down.

Drifting off to sleep, Danny was back in Brook Fall. He was walking in the woods. In a small clearing, there was the body of Allison. She was beaten up and bleeding. Her eyes staring up to the sky. Danny felt sick but there was something that was eating at him. Flashing before him were her posts and pictures. All different, yet there was one constant thing. It was simple, would be overlook if someone just glance.

Danny shot up out of bed. He grabbed his phone and dialed Raven's number. As the phone rang, Danny realized it was three in the morning. Oh damn.

"Hello?" Raven's voice was thick with sleep.

"Raven, it is Danny. I am so sorry for waking you up but..."

"It is okay. Are you okay?" Raven asked, sitting up from her bed.

"Yes, and I am home. Look, this is going to sound crazy..."

"You're crazy gives us leads so go with it." Raven told him.

"In Allison's pictures, she wore the same daisy charm necklace. Silver on a thinnish chain. Even in her Senior pictures, she wore it. Was it on her body when she was discovered?" Danny asked.

There was a long pause in Raven's end. "No. A necklace was not found on Allison." Raven gripped her phone.

"Whoever killed Allison took the necklace. Now, that does mean that someone very close killed her to know the meaning of that necklace or...."

"It was taken as a trophy." Raven said, nearly dropping the phone. She needed to contact other police departments to see if there were similar cases. "Danny, we may have a serial killer here." Raven whispered.

"Oh fuck." Danny raked his fingers through his hair. Uki crawled into his lap to comfort him.

A few days later...

Ten other cases, spanning over ten years. All young women who were beaten to death in a fashion. In secluded areas near their homes or work. A personal item was taken from all. A family ring, a special set of earrings. Something that the women wore constantly was taken.

Raven looked over the copied files with Fellows. Barely any evidence at the scenes. The murder weapon took with the perp. Nothing to lead to anyone.

"How did we go from one murder case to now a possibly serial killer?" Fellows asked setting down a file. "This kid saw this when no one else did." Fellows was talking about Danny.

"ADHD can have you going in five directions, each one making sense." Raven stated, looking at the notes at what was thought to be the first victim of the killer. "With some knowledge of criminal law and a mind that is on the go...he feels indebted to Allison to solve her murder. I mean, she reached out to him."

Fellows nodded. "Wish he was here. A fresh pair of eyes would see something we don't." They scrunched up their nose. "Call him. See if he is up for a trip here again."

"No, Valerie." Raven said her partner's first name.

"Ew, you sound like my mother." Fellows made a face. They settled down, reading and reviewing the cases. Raven did want Danny to look over the files, but that would be against the law. Well, what if....

Later that day...

"You want me to be a what?" Danny asked over the phone to Raven.

"A consultant for the police department. Similar to what Lucifer did in the show, but this is real. Danny, you have been a tremendous help to the case so far. I think you can see what has been overlooked. It is your decision. And you would get paid." Raven explained to him. Since he already helped out, the captain and a judge are willing to give it a try to find solve these cases.

"I mean, it is not about the money. I never thought I would be any help on a murder case as in solving it." Danny replied, shifting in his chair. He was looking at his calendar. There was nothing plan for a while. He did want to do more to help Allison and now the rest of the victims. "Yes, just how? I live here and Brook Fall is three hours away."

"Fellows has an extra room at their place that they offered. Uki is very welcomed." Raven told him. "Tell me that you will think about it."

"I have and I will pack tonight. Let's give it a week, if I can stomach it. Okay?" Danny asked.

"A week. Danny, thank you for doing this." Raven expressed, grateful that he was on board. They hung up after getting the details of his stay iron a bit more out. Danny sat at his desk. Something in the back of his mind was poking at him. Like he was trying to remember...

"Dad?" Danny called his father.

"Hey kiddo. What is going on?" His father asked.

"I have been asked to be a consultant for a police department in a...murder case." Danny told him.

There was silence at the other end. "Danny. Are you joking?" His father asked with all seriousness in his voice.

"Yes, dad. I am serious. A girl sent me a letter and she was murdered. Now, there could be a serial..."

"No, Danny! You are not doing that again!" His father's voice boomed over the phone. Danny nearly jumped from his chair.

"Again? What do you mean again?" Danny asked his father. He was greeted with silence. "DAD, TELL ME!" Danny screamed into the phone.

"You witness a murder when you were nine. You were able to give the cops a good description of the murderer. He was captured quickly because of you." His father told him, taking a deep breath.

"Dad, I would remember that. I never...wait." Danny stopped talking as his hand went to the side in his head. There was a slight ridge there. Like his scalp was split open long ago. "Dad?" Danny swallowed as he always had questions about a blank space in his life when he was nine years old. Yet, no one would tell him what happen.

"They were given and made bail. Someone had told them about you. The house was broken in, and they tried to kill you." His father's voice was wavering as he recalled the night that he nearly lost his child. "Your brother's screams woke us up. I fought off the guy while you mother wrapped your head. You only suffered memory lost. You recalled nothing about the murder or the suspect. We never told you for we did not want you to remember." There were tears in the man's eyes. Danny could hear his mother in the background asking what was wrong.

Like a dam busting due to weakened supports, the memories flooded Danny's mind. He dropped his phone and sank to the floor. He remembered seeing two people fighting in the park. The man in a grey jacket pulled out a knife and stabbed the other in the neck. Danny saw it all. Danny told the officers what he saw, noting the man's unique facial feature that caught his eyes. The line up, Danny picked him out without hesitation. He did all this when he was just nine years old.

Danny remembered going to bed yet, there was a sharp pain in his head later, the screaming of his brother. His dad yelling and fighting with someone. His mother sobbing as she held the towel to his split open skin. His skull actually cracked from the impact of the metal.

"DANNY!" He came out of the fog when he heard his mother's shouting over the phone.

"I...remember. I remember everything." Danny spoke, a tremor in his voice, after placing the phone to his mouth. "I have to help solve her murder. There is a reason she wrote me."

"No, Danny. You don't have to. You don't owe anyone anything." His mother pleading with him.

"There is a reason." Danny told her, hanging up the phone. He laid on the floor, looking up at the ceiling. Uki was laying on his chest. What is the reason?

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