Murders of the women

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At the home of Nickolas Colton...

"I remember them. I had a few in my class." Colton looked at the family given pictures of the women. "I never understood why they were killed."

"We are still trying to make the connections. I know it was a while, but can you remember anything out of the ordinary that was happening on campus at the time." Fellows asked, taking notes. Raven was sitting with them, and Danny was standing about. Colton was told that Danny was there as part of a class he was taking for criminal law. Secretly, Danny was watching and observing how Colton acted with the detectives.

The front door opened, and a voice called out. "Dad, we are home and ...OMG Danny Phantom EXE is in my house!" The teenage girl squealed. She was dressed like a e-girl with cat ears and an anime shirt. She was followed by a Japanese woman who was shocked to see the detectives and the content creator in her home.

"Mai, he is here for a class he is taking, so please." Colton smiled, trying to calm his daughter down. "I was hoping to get your autographic for her later. This is my wife, June and my daughter Mai. They are here to talk about the women who were..." June laid her hand on her husband's arm and nodded.

"We will leave you all to it. Mai, groceries." June signaled for her daughter to follow. She smiled brightly at Danny and skipped behind her mother.

"One of the reasons I want the laws to change. June is still working to get her citizenship here. Yes, we are married, but if something happens to me..."

"June can be sent back to Japan with Mai." Danny finished his thought. Colton nodded. "May I talk to Mai and June?" Danny asked and Colton said of course. Danny went into the kitchen where they were.

"I am so not a child, ma. I know it is about the murder of Allison. She was two grades ahead of me. Sweet girl." Mai told Danny as they placed the groceries away.

"Since your dad works at the college, is that where you will attend?" Danny asked.

"Nope. I am going for graphic design. Here, I am show you what I can do." Mai disappeared to get her iPad from her bedroom.

"I don't want her near that college." June turned to Danny. "Too many deaths to be coincidence. And I dislike Professor Wright." June told him.

"What is up with this Professor Wright?" Danny asked. He was curious.

"The way he looks at me and Mai. I don't think he likes people of different races. When I see him out in town, the way he looks at me. It is creepy. His nephew is no better." June started to take things out to make dinner later.

"His nephew, do you know his name?"

"Something Wyatt." June told him. Danny nodded as Mai came back with her iPad. She had a great talent and Danny saw a few things that he was like to use for his page.

"My first commission." Mai squealed as Danny gave her his business contact information. She ran up to her room start working on something for him. June thanked Danny for giving Mai the opportunity.

"I am going to direct my friends to her page. Helping build others up is the best thing to do." Danny told June as they rejoined the detectives and Colton in the living room. After a few more minutes, they took their leave.

"From what June told me, the best bet is Wright and there could be a connection with Wyatt. He could be his nephew." Danny told the detectives as they drove to Wright's house next.

"Plates came back to Wyatt. Look into his family and his mother's maiden name is Wright." Raven told the two just before the phone rang. It was Jennings.

"A personal lawyer came for Wyatt, not a public defender. Overheard the two of them talking. Wyatt mentioned his Uncle Matt." Jennings told the others while on speaker phone. The look was shared within the car.

"We are pulling up to the residence right now." Raven told Jennings and hung up the phone.

Inside, there seems to be a tension as the detectives and Danny sat down to talk to Wright. His eyes jumped about, never setting on any of them for long. He spoke about the women that were his students and how it was terrible for their lives to be cut off so suddenly and tragically.

"My sister and I were taking your English course. Before she passed, we were going to be teachers." Raven decided to share the bit of information with him.

"Oh, yes. I recall your sister now. She was very bright." Wright looked to the floor. "Very smart young woman." Without anything tying Wright to the murders, they decided it was time to leave. As they left, his daughter and granddaughter were coming out of their car.

"The detectives were just wanted to talk about the murders of the women." Wright told them.

"I heard that it could be a serial killer, such an awful thing." His daughter remarked, toying with her necklace. He ushered in his family as the detectives and Danny climbed into the car. Raven was gripping the seatbelt.

"Applying the pressure on Wyatt will get him to confess. Get a search warrant for his house." Fellows place their hand on Raven's shoulder. The woman nodded as Fellows pulled away. They all saw what the daughter was wearing. It was a locket that was identical to Raven's. The necklace on the little girl, a daisy charm on a thinnish chain.

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