The Gobbowl Inferno: Part 1

Start from the beginning

Eva: Political?

Amalia: No, of course not, the latest trends in summer swimsuits!

They make it to a crossing and Yugo looks amazed.

Yugo: I never thought a city could be so....amazing! You've lived here for your whole life Y/n/n?

Y/n, nodding with a smile: Yup! Besides the times I come visit you of course!

Dally, laughing: And before you met me, you didn't think a hero could be so amazing, either!

Y/N, giggling: That's true.

Yugo nods with a grin, grabbing Y/N's hands. Y/n has to physically stop themselves from launching themselves at their house when they see it. Ruel looks grumpy and walks away, as does Eva and Amalia, but Y/N hops in front of them, much to their amusement and confusion.

Eva: Uh, Y/n?

Y/N: You all said you wanted to meet my family, right?

Eva: Yes, but what does that have to do with-

Y/n, cutting them off: Well, we're here!

Y/N then points to the house next to them. The house itself looked nice, being a few stories tall and has various potted plants on it. Y/n is suddenly tackled down by two young ecaflips. Y/N laughs and stands up, hugging them.

Ruby: Y/n! You're back!

Ren: We'd thought we'd never see you again!

Y/N, laughing: You can't get rid of me that easily squirts!

The group blinks in surprise and looks at the three having a reunion. Yugo smiles and walks over, much to the twins delight.

Ruby, Ren: Yugo!

Yugo, laughing: Hey guys! How have you been?

Ruby: We've been fine!

Ren: Just driving mom and dad up a wall!

Eva, clearing her throat: Um, Y/n? Aren't you going to introduce us?

Y/N perks up and nods, gesturing towards the group.

Y/N: Right! Ruby, Ren, these are my friends Dally,

Dally waves, showing off his sword skills while Rubilax rolls his eye.

Y/n: Amalia,

Amalia, waving: Hi there!

Y/N: Evangelyne,

Eva, nodding: Hello.

Y/N: Ruel,

Ruel waves, his bag over his shoulder.

Y/N: and of course, you two know Yugo!

Yugo grins and waves.

Y/N: Everyone, these are my younger siblings, Ruby and Ren! But where they are, mom and dad shouldn't be too far behind...

Ja-ren: That's right young lady!

Y/n, laughing: Dad!

Y/N launches themselves at the tall osamodas, laughing as the ecaflip twins do the same. The heroes blink in surprise. It was a bit jarring to see Y/N so....happy and at peace when all of their adventures had been pretty hectic. The osamodas looks over at the heroes.

Ja-ren, smiling: It's nice to meet you all. I'm Ja-ren, Y/N's, Ruby's, and Ren's father! Would you like to come inside and have something to eat or drink? I'm sure it's been a long journey.

The heroes look over at Y/N and the twins, who are giving them the puppy dog eyes. With a sigh the group gives in, causing the siblings to cheer.

Eva: Alright. We will take you up on that offer.

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