Chapter 45: Back Again

Start from the beginning

Klaus listened patiently as Celestia poured her heart out, her tears mingling with the steam rising from her cup of tea. She told him everything - her relations with Harry Potter and how Narcissa had found out, leading to her desperate escape from Malfoy Manor for the looming threat of being sent away to France, never to return to Hogwarts.

"I know I did the wrong thing by running away," Celestia confessed an hour later, her voice laced with guilt as she buried her face in her hands. "But I couldn't face the thought of being torn away from everything I know and love. You know how crazy our families can be, they'll torture me."

Klaus sighed, his expression softening with understanding as he gently reached out to comfort her. "Celestia, you did what you thought was best in the moment," he said firmly, his voice tinged with a hint of reassurance. "Although I don't approve of it but you followed your instincts, and that's nothing to be ashamed of, wish I could say the same about your choice of partner through"

Celestia's tears continued to flow freely as she struggled to come to terms with her actions. "But what if I made a mistake?" she whispered, her voice barely audible above the sound of her own sobs. "What if this is the wrong choice?"

Klaus shook his head, his gaze unwavering as he looked into Celestia's eyes. "You didn't make a mistake, Celestia," he said firmly, his voice filled with conviction. "You did what you had to do to protect yourself, and that's nothing to be ashamed of and remember, even if the choices you make are wrong, they will always be yours, so make as many as you can instead of regretting it later"

Slowly, Celestia's sobs began to subside, her tears drying as she took in Klaus's reassuring words. She glanced around the one-bedroom apartment, her eyes taking in the cozy furnishings and familiar clutter that surrounded her.

The sofa they sat on was worn but comfortable, its faded fabric bearing the marks of countless conversations and shared moments.

Across the room, a bookshelf lined with dog-eared novels and well-loved classics stood as a testament to Klaus's love of reading. A small kitchenette nestled in the corner, its countertops cluttered with half-empty mugs and forgotten dishes.

As Celestia's gaze lingered on her surroundings, she felt a sense of peace wash over her, the weight of her worries slowly lifting from her shoulders.

Throughout the evening, Klaus and Celestia talked about the things that had happened and laughed at each other's miserable situations.

As night descended upon the city, casting long shadows across the worn floorboards of Klaus's apartment, Celestia and Klaus found themselves locked in a serious argument over who would take the couch and who would claim the bed for the night.

"It's only fair that you take the bed, Klaus," Celestia insisted, her voice laced with determination as she gestured towards the worn but inviting mattress that awaited them in the corner of the room. "After all, it's your apartment, and I'm just crashing here unexpectedly."

Klaus rolled his eyes, a playful smirk tugging at the corners of his lips as he shook his head. "Oh, please," he teased, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "As if I would let a fine lady such as yourself sleep on this old thing while I enjoy the comfort of my own bed. No, no, my dear Celestia, it's quite the opposite. The bed is yours, and I'll take the couch."

Celestia scoffed, her eyes narrowing in mock indignation as she crossed her arms defiantly. "Don't be ridiculous, Klaus," she retorted, her voice tinged with amusement. "I couldn't possibly let you sacrifice your comfort for mine. Besides, I'm used to roughing it out in the dormitories at Hogwarts. I'll be perfectly fine on the couch."

Klaus raised an eyebrow, his blue eyes dancing with amusement as he chuckled softly. "Oh, please," he countered, his tone teasing. "I highly doubt that sleeping on a lumpy old couch compares to the luxury of a four-poster bed in the Slytherin common room. Trust me, Celestia, you'll appreciate the comfort of the bed much more than you realize."

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