Chapter 8: Encounters in Shadows

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The Hogwarts corridors were shrouded in darkness, the moon casting an ethereal glow upon the ancient stone walls. Celestia Malfoy wandered aimlessly, her footsteps echoing softly as she traversed the labyrinthine halls.

Celestia was planning on returning to her dormitory once everyone else is asleep as her heart weighed heavy with the burden of her recent breakup with Theodore Nott, the tension between them lingering like a storm cloud on the horizon. On top of that that girls kept pushing her for answers she doesn't have.

As she turned a corner, Celestia's heart skipped a beat at the sight of Harry Potter standing alone, his silhouette illuminated by the soft glow of his wand. He was staring down at a piece of parchment. His dark hair tousled by the gentle breeze that swept through the corridor, he looked every bit the enigmatic figure she had come to know. She had wanted to turn around and hide in the dark until he had left, but then she realised, she's a Malfoy! Malfoys don't hide!

"Potter," Celestia greeted, her voice a soft murmur in the stillness of the night.

Harry's gaze snapped up, surprise flickering in his emerald eyes before he masked it with a cool indifference. He folded the parchment hurriedly, and shoved it in his back pocket. "Malfoy," he replied, his tone guarded.

As Celestia neared him, she couldn't help but feel a rush of excitement. Her gaze fixated on the immaculate white shirt he had on, which she recognized as his school uniform, possibly the only garment he possessed that wasn't a hand-me-down from his muggle cousin. The fabric hugged his figure perfectly, accentuating his physique. Despite the underlying tension in their interaction, she found herself irresistibly drawn to him, sensing a magnetic connection that seemed to pull them closer together.

"What brings you out here at this hour?" Celestia asked, her voice gentle as she closed the distance between them, her eyes tracing the contours of his face in the dim light.

Harry shrugged, a faint blush coloring his cheeks. "Couldn't sleep," he admitted, his voice tinged with uncertainty.

Celestia felt a pang of sympathy for him, a desire to ease the burden that weighed heavily on his shoulders. "Me neither," she confessed, her voice barely a whisper.

For a moment, they stood there in silence, the air heavy with unspoken words and unanswered questions. But then, as if on cue, the sound of laughter echoed down the corridor, drawing their attention away from their private moment.

Turning, they saw a group of Slytherins rounding the corner, their voices raised in raucous merriment as they made their way toward the Great Hall. Celestia's heart sank at the sight of them, a pang of guilt gnawing at her conscience.

As they passed by, Celestia caught snippets of their conversation, their voices carrying on the night air.

"Did you see the look on Potter's face?" one of them chuckled, a note of derision in his voice.

"I heard he got turned down by Cho Chang," another one snickered, his tone filled with mockery.

Celestia's heart ached at the cruelty in their words, the realization dawning on her that Harry was more vulnerable than he let on. She knew she should distance herself from him, that their forbidden connection could only lead to trouble. But despite her better judgment, she found herself drawn to him, unable to resist the pull of their shared desire. Celestia somberly observed that she disliked the notion of Harry feeling dejected because another girl had rejected him.

As the Slytherins disappeared around the corner, Celestia turned back to Harry, her heart racing with uncertainty. She knew she should leave, that their encounter could only end in heartache. But as she looked into Harry's eyes, she saw something there that mirrored her own longing, a silent plea for connection in a world fraught with uncertainty.

Without a word, Celestia closed the distance between them, her heart pounding in her chest as she reached out to touch him. And then, with a soft sigh, she leaned in, her lips meeting his in a tender kiss that sent sparks flying through her veins.

For a moment, time stood still as they lost themselves in each other, the world fading away until there was nothing left but the heat of their bodies pressed together, the soft brush of their lips against each other's skin.

But as quickly as it had begun, the moment was over, and Celestia pulled away, her breath coming in short gasps as she looked into Harry's eyes, her heart pounding in her chest.

"I'm sorry," she whispered, her voice barely audible above the pounding of her heart.

Harry's gaze softened, a faint smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "Don't be," he replied, his voice filled with a warmth that melted away Celestia's doubts and fears. The warmth in his voice enveloped her like a comforting embrace, melting away her doubts and fears in an instant.

"Don't be," Harry repeated, his voice tinged with a sincerity that took Celestia by surprise. She had half expected him to slap her in disgust, not that she's ugly but because she is a Slytherin and had bullied him since day one, gryffindors hate Slytherins!

For a moment, they stood there in silence, the weight of their unspoken desires hanging heavy in the air between them. And then, as if guided by an unseen force, Harry reached out, his hand brushing against Celestia's cheek with a feather-light touch.

As Celestia's heart quickened at his touch, she leaned in, silently pleading for understanding in her gaze. Yet, amidst the moment's intensity, doubts crept in. Was Harry's interest driven by loneliness? Were his friends' neglect and the school's hostility pushing him towards her? The question lingered: why would he pursue her, knowing her family supported the man who took his parents' lives?

Without a word, Harry closed the distance between them, his lips capturing hers in a heated kiss that sent shockwaves coursing through Celestia's veins. The world around them faded away as they lost themselves in the intensity of their passion, the heat of their bodies pressed together in a desperate embrace.

As their lips moved together in a dance of longing and desire, Celestia felt a surge of exhilaration course through her veins. She had never imagined that she could feel this way about Harry, that the boy she had spent years despising could awaken such intense feelings within her.

But as their kiss deepened, Celestia knew that there was no turning back. She was consumed by a hunger she couldn't deny, a thirst for connection that burned like a wildfire in her soul.

Celestia could just imagine her father's expressions if he were to ever see her sucking face with Harry Potter.

As if guided by an unseen force, they stumbled backwards, their bodies pressed against the cold stone wall of the deserted corridor. The cool surface sent shivers down Celestia's spine as she lost herself in the heat of their passion, her hands roaming over Harry's chest with a desperate urgency.

Their breath mingled in the air between them as they clung to each other, lost in the intensity of the moment. Time seemed to stand still as they surrendered to the overwhelming tide of desire that threatened to consume them whole.

But as quickly as it had begun, the moment was over, and they pulled away from each other, their chests heaving with exertion as they gazed into each other's eyes, their minds reeling from the intensity of their encounter.

For a moment, they stood there in silence, their hearts racing as they struggled to catch their breath. And then, with a final glance, they parted ways, each carrying with them the memory of their midnight encounter, a secret they would carry with them always.

Veiled Hearts ~ HP Fanfiction (Harry Potter X OC)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ