Chapter 11: Revelations in the Great Hall

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The next day at dinner, In the bustling atmosphere of the Great Hall, Harry sat amidst the sea of students, his gaze drawn irresistibly to Celestia seated at the Slytherin table.

Celestia sat with an air of effortless grace, her blonde locks cascading down her shoulders in gentle waves. Her eyes, a mesmerizing shade of blueish silver, seemed to sparkle with a hint of mischief as she engaged in an animated conversation with her Slytherin peers.

Harry subconsciously notice her outfit, Celestia's outfit was a testament to her impeccable taste. She wore a form-fitting emerald green dress that hugged her curves in all the right places, the fabric shimmering in the soft glow of the enchanted candles that illuminated the Great Hall. Her Slytherin crest glinted proudly on her chest, a symbol of her unwavering loyalty to her house.

As Harry observed her from afar, he couldn't help but be struck by her beauty. There was an ethereal quality to her presence, a radiance that seemed to captivate all who crossed her path. Despite the animosity that had existed between them for years, he couldn't deny the undeniable allure of the Slytherin girl who sat before him.

Turning to Hermione and Ron, who sat beside him at the Gryffindor table, Harry decided to seek their input. "What do you two think of Celestia?" he asked, his curiosity getting the better of him.

Hermione frowned, "celestia who?"

"How many celestias do you know?" Harry asked, a little annoyed, "Celestia Malfoy ofcourse"

Hermione wrinkled her nose in distaste, her expression bordering on disdain. "Oh, she's insufferable," she replied with a hint of annoyance. "Always strutting around like she owns the place, with her posse of Slytherins trailing behind her like obedient little minions."

Ron nodded in agreement, his expression sour. "Yeah, she's a right pain in the arse," he grumbled, spearing a sausage with his fork. "Always giving the cold shoulder, like we're beneath her or something. She follows the pure blood ideology"

Harry couldn't help but feel a pang of disappointment at their responses. He had hoped for some insight into Celestia's character, some clue as to what lay beneath the surface of her aloof demeanor. But it seemed that Hermione and Ron's opinions of her were as negative as ever, colored by years of animosity and rivalry between Gryffindor and Slytherin. He couldn't deny that they aren't wrong either, he remebered Celestia calling Hermione a mud-blood on multiple occasions. Although, he knows Hermione hates her because Celestia always outshines her in studies and is Chaser in Slytherin quidditch team.

Turning his attention back to Celestia, Harry found himself unable to tear his gaze away from her. There was a magnetism to her presence, a sense of intrigue that drew him in despite his better judgment. It was as if he were caught in a whirlwind, unable to escape the pull of her enigmatic allure.

But as their eyes locked across the crowded hall, Harry felt a pang of uncertainty gnawing at his insides. What did Celestia want from him? Was there more to their encounters than met the eye, or was he merely a pawn in some elaborate game she was playing?

Doubts crept into his mind, like shadows lurking in the corners of his consciousness. What if Celestia was merely using him for her own ends, manipulating him into doing her bidding like she had done to so many others before him? The thought sent a chill down his spine, filling him with a sense of unease that he couldn't shake.

Before he could dwell on it further, Pansy's voice cut through the air, sharp and biting. "Well, well, well, if it isn't Potter staring longingly at our dear Celestia," she sneered, her tone dripping with sarcasm. "What's the matter, Potter? Can't resist the charms of a true Slytherin queen?"

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