Chapter 12: Cloaked Affection

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As the days stretched into weeks at Hogwarts, the routine seemed unchanging, a monotonous rhythm that echoed through the castle corridors. For Harry Potter, however, there was a hidden world beneath the surface, a world filled with stolen glances, secret notes, and clandestine meetings that no one else seemed to notice.

In the bustling halls of Hogwarts, Harry found himself stumbling over his own feet more often than not, his attention constantly drawn to the sight of Celestia Malfoy walking ahead of him. Her blonde hair shimmered in the sunlight, her steps graceful and sure as she navigated the crowded corridors with ease.

"Smooth move, Potter," Celestia teased one afternoon, her voice laced with amusement as Harry nearly collided with a suit of armor in his haste to catch up with her. "Careful you don't break your neck staring at me."

Harry felt his cheeks flush with embarrassment, but he couldn't help but chuckle at her remark. "Yeah, yeah, laugh it up, Malfoy," he retorted, his tone light-hearted despite the heat rising in his cheeks.

But it wasn't just Celestia who had noticed Harry's newfound clumsiness. Draco Malfoy and his cronies, Crabbe and Goyle, were quick to seize upon any opportunity to mock their rival, much to Harry's chagrin.

"Look at Potter, stumbling around like a newborn flobberworm," Draco sneered, his lip curled in disdain as he watched Harry from across the corridor.

Crabbe and Goyle chuckled at Draco's remark, their laughter echoing through the halls as they followed their leader's lead. But Harry paid them no mind, his attention firmly fixed on the sight of Celestia disappearing around the corner, a playful smirk on her lips.

As the weeks wore on, Harry and Celestia found themselves embarking on a series of late-night adventures, sneaking out after curfew to explore the hidden corners of Hogwarts under the cover of darkness. It was during one such escapade that Harry found himself the unwitting victim of Celestia's mischievous antics.

Spotting a vial of potion ingredients left unattended in the potions classroom, Celestia couldn't resist the urge to add a few extra ingredients of her own, much to Harry's amusement. But as they watched from a safe distance, the potion began to bubble and fizz, emitting sparks of color as it threatened to overflow.

Harry couldn't help but laugh at the sight, his heart pounding with adrenaline as they made a hasty retreat before they were caught. "Well, that was... unexpected," he remarked, trying to catch his breath as they rounded the corner and collapsed against the wall, laughter bubbling up between them.

But despite the risks they took, no one seemed to notice or doubt anything, allowing Harry and Celestia to continue their clandestine meetings without fear of discovery. Even Hermione and Ron, who were usually quick to notice any changes in Harry's behavior, remained oblivious to the growing bond between him and Celestia.

It was as if they were living in their own little bubble, shielded from the scrutiny of the outside world.

In the midst of all this, their interactions in classes became even more entertaining. Snape's potions class, in particular, provided ample opportunities for mischief and mayhem. One day, as Snape droned on about the importance of precision in potion-making, Harry and Celestia found themselves sneaking glances at each other from across the room, their eyes sparkling with mischief.

When Snape's back was turned, Celestia slipped a note onto Harry's desk, her handwriting elegant and slanted. "Meet me in the broom closet after class," it read, a mischievous smile playing on her lips as she watched Harry's reaction.

Harry couldn't help but grin at her audacity, his heart racing with excitement at the prospect of stolen moments alone with Celestia. And as the class dragged on, he found it increasingly difficult to concentrate on anything but the promise of what was to come.

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