Chapter 40: Troubleshoot

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After suffering defeat and enduring the sting of humiliation, Celestia soared over to where Warrington sat, hovering above the ground, his head buried in his hands, his frustration evident in his wild curses. With a comforting gesture, she reached out and gently clasped his hand, offering solace as they descended towards the ground together.

From afar, Celestia observed Draco taunting the Gryffindor team as they celebrated their victory with hugs and cheers. Standing solitary amidst the commotion, Draco's demeanor seemed intent on provocation. Noticing the tension escalate, particularly with the Weasley twins on the brink of confrontation, Celestia felt a surge of concern for her twin brother. With Warrington trailing closely behind her, Celestia navigated through the crowd, determined to intervene before the situation escalated further.

Celestia looks around for Madam Hooch, but she was still berating Crabbe for his Bludger attack.

"Draco?" Celestia called slowly as she approached.

"Sister, you came, good timing, I was just saying — perhaps," said Draco, leering as he backed away from the twins, facing Harry "you can remember what your mother's house stank like, Potter, and Weasleys pigsty reminds you of it —"

Suddenly, Harry released Weasley, and within moments, both of them were charging towards Draco.

Celestia reached for her wand, only to find her pockets empty. As she moved to shield Draco, Weasley forcefully pulled her aside, his grip on her arm tight. Caught off balance, she stumbled, but Warrington swiftly caught her before she hit the frozen ground.

"Harry! HARRY! GEORGE! STOP!" The Gryffindor girls' panicked cries filled the air as Weasley and Harry unleashed their fury on Draco. Celestia's eyes brimmed with tears as Warrington pulled her away from the chaotic scene. Draco lay defenseless on the ground, unable to even cry out.

Madam Hooch approached, she blew her whistle, but Harry and Weasley ignored, continuing on punching Draco in the face 'Impedimenta!' Said Hooch loudly and they were knocked over backwards by the force of the spell.

"What do you think you're doing?" screamed Madam Hooch, as Celestia rushed towards her twin, kneeling beside him. Draco has curled up on the ground, whimpering and moaning, his nose bloody; the other Weasley twins were still being forcibly restrained by the three gryffindor Chasers, and Crabbe was cackling in the background.

"I've never seen behaviour like it - back up to the castle, both of you, and straight to your Head of House's office! Go! Now.''

Harry and George turned on their heels and marched off the pitch, both panting.

Madam Hooch accompanied Draco to the Hospital wing and Celestia was forced to follow the rest of the Slytherin team to their common room.

The Slytherins laughed in glee when the news spread about the quidditch ban on Harry Potter and Weasley twins whereas Crabbe was just given lines (with normal quill) as detention. It made Celestia pleased because the Gryffindor team now was three players down.

The next day, The sun had barely begun to rise over the Hogwarts castle, casting long shadows across the empty corridors as Celestia hurried through the silent halls. It was early Sunday morning, and most students were still fast asleep in their dormitories.

Celestia's heart raced with anticipation as she made her way towards Severus Snape's office, the slytherin's head of house, her mind buzzing with curiosity and apprehension. She had received an urgent summons from a first-year student, who had delivered the message nervously.

As she reached the familiar stone gargoyle that guarded the entrance to Snape's office, Celestia uttered the password, "Basilisk Fang," and watched as the gargoyle sprang to life, revealing the staircase that led to the dungeons below.

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