Chapter 16: Unexpected Duels

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In the following days, Harry Potter and Celestia Malfoy maintained a frosty silence between them. While Harry felt the weight of it, Celestia seemed to effortlessly slip back into her usual routine.

Celestia drifted among her Slytherin companions, exerting her influence with cruel taunts directed at other students. Harry heard rumors of her latest escapade, where she allegedly jinxed Ron Weasley causing him to trip on a staircase.

Despite his efforts to push her out of his mind, Harry found himself longing for her presence. Even though they crossed paths multiple times, she remained aloof, ignoring him completely.

It wasn't until their Care of Magical Creatures class that Celestia finally acknowledged Harry's existence. When he stumbled over his own feet, she and Draco couldn't resist mocking him, their laughter piercing Harry's heart like a dagger.

Each time Harry caught a glimpse of her, his heart twisted with longing and pain. He couldn't help but miss everything about her, even though she seemed determined to distance herself from him. Hence, when Professor McGonagall told him to go down to the Quidditch field at 9 o'clock, Harry hastily scribbled a note to Celestia and asked Colin Creevy to deliver it at the Slytherin table.

After his meeting with Ludo Bagman, Harry struggled to push thoughts of the upcoming third task from his mind. As he made his way across the grounds, his heart sank when he spotted Celestia's unmistakable blonde hair in the distance. He had half expected her not to show up.

Excusing himself from his companions, Harry approached Celestia, his heart pounding with a mixture of apprehension and hope. "Hey," he said, trying to sound casual. "You came."

Celestia turned to him, her expression guarded at first, but then softening as she met his gaze. "Hey," she replied softly, a hint of a smile playing on her lips.

Harry felt a surge of relief at her response. "We need to talk," he said, his voice tinged with urgency.

Before Celestia could respond, Victor Krum appeared at Harry's side, causing Harry to tense with surprise. Celestia nodded politely at Victor's arrival.

"Victor," Celestia greeted him, her tone polite but distant.

"Celestia," Victor acknowledged her with a nod before turning to Harry. “Could I haff a vord?”

Harry glanced between Celestia and Victor, feeling a twinge of annoyance. "I'm with her," he said, gesturing towards Celestia. "Can this wait...?"

"It won'tz take long" said Victor, staring between Celestia and Harry curiously.

Harry looked at celestia for confirmation but she shook her head, "What is it that you want Victor?" She asked, clearly annoyed.

"A vord" Krum pressed,

Celestia looked in between Harry and Krun, as if comparing their heights, "I'll be with harry, you can have a word"

Krun paused, then nodded his head.
Harry and Celestia both shoot questioning gaze at him as Victor walked ahead of them, leading the way.

"I'm sorry," Harry murmured, his gaze fixed on his shoes. "I shouldn't have accused you back in Hogsmeade."

"He's a friend, my childhood friend, he never got along with Draco through" Celestia replied with a gentle smile, feeling a warmth in her heart. She hadn't expected Harry to apologize, knowing it was her fault to begin with. "He's getting married outside of his engagement to a muggleborn, he came to London to collect his order, that muggle girl is very lucky she's getting an exclusively customised diamond ring from Mystique Gems & Charms, it's a dream of every witch," she explained softly, squeezing his hand as they walked.

Veiled Hearts ~ HP Fanfiction (Harry Potter X OC)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu