Chapter 43: Love in the Night Sky

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As Celestia and Henry stepped off the seventh floor, the tension between them was palpable. Henry wasted no time in confronting Celestia about what he had heard in the Room of Requirement. His voice was tinged with accusation as he demanded answers.

"Celestia, honestly what was Potter talking about in there?" Henry's tone was sharp, betraying his frustration and confusion, although Celestia knew he would be amused later.

Celestia's heart sank at the realization that her lie had been uncovered. Taking a deep breath, she met Henry's gaze, steeling herself for the conversation ahead. "Henry, I... I'm sorry I lied to you. Well I technically didn't lie, Harry and I, we were together since last year. But he broke up with me."

Henry's eyebrows shot up in surprise, mixed with a hint of skepticism. "You guys have been together since last year?"

"I kissed him on yule ball" says Celestia, nodding in confirmation.

Henry looked like he had swallowed a live fish. He asked after few moments had passed, "But Broke up? When? Why?"

Taking a moment to gather her thoughts, Celestia recounted the events leading to her breakup with Harry. She explained how Harry's weird behaviour in front of Cho had caused tension between them, ultimately leading to his decision to part ways, she left out the part about reading Cho's mind.

Henry offered to walk her to the Slytherin common room, he looked shocked by the revelation the entire way, they walked in silence between them, it was deafening. Henry's mind raced with thoughts and questions, while Celestia grappled with the weight of Harry's words to Cho. He confessed to Cho about living her! That meant something.

Reaching the entrance of dungeons, Henry finally broke the silence, his voice hesitant. "Maybe Harry did have feelings for Cho after all. Maybe he broke up with you because he felt guilty."

Celestia's heart clenched at the realization that Henry's words echoed those of Daphne, her fellow Slytherin. She looked at him, her eyes wide with surprise and uncertainty. After all reading someone's mind isn't that big of a deal, is it?

"You think so?" Celestia's voice was barely above a whisper, her mind swirling with conflicting emotions.

Henry nodded solemnly, his expression filled with concern. "You deserve someone who values you, Celestia. Don't settle for anything less."

With those words, Henry left Celestia standing at the entrance of the dungeon, without bidding good night, her mind reeling with thoughts and doubts. As she turned to leave and was startled to find Harry materializing out of thin air, his invisibility cloak slipping off his shoulders.

"Why am I not surprised to see you here, Potter?" Said Celestia plainly. She had half expected Harry to call after her once they left the room of requirement, and was slightly disappointed when he didn't.

"Celestia," Harry began, his voice tinged with sheepishness. "Were you and Henry... talking about me?"

Celestia scoffed, her frustration bubbling to the surface. "Were you spying on us, Potter?"

Harry's cheeks flushed with embarrassment as he shuffled his feet awkwardly. "I... I was just... concerned. About us. I thought we should talk"

"Well you thought wrong" Celestia snapped, her eyes burning with anger.

"Is it because of what that boy said? Henry?" Harry asked, taking a step forward, he sounded as if he was accusing her "I told you I didn't like him from the beginning, he obviously likes you"

Celestia shook her head in disbelief, her anger simmering beneath the surface. "Harry, my choices are none of your business anymore. You made that clear when you broke up with me." With those words, she turned on her heel to leave, her steps echoing in the quiet corridor. But before she could take another step, Harry's voice stopped her in her tracks.

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