Lucy Bronze X Keira Walsh X Y/N~Passing Out 3~

Start from the beginning

The Ministry of Defence has said in a statement that they have deployed troops, from the 16 air assault brigade to afghanistan, including support from the RAF and Royal Navy.

Boris Johnson - "For obviously reasons, I will not disclose the timetable for this deployment. Nor can I disclose the nature of this deployment, however, I can confirm that it is not a full combat engagement operation"

The United States have set a withdrawal deadline of their troops from Afghanistan for the 31st of August.

"Luce- I- Look, we don't know that-"

"She's there Kei. I know it. She's there. That's why she couldn't tell us, that's why, Kei, that's why. She's gone there, wh-what do we do- Sh-" Lucy cut Keira off, fully panicking, tears uncontrollably streaming down Lucy's face.

"Woah, woah, what's going on?" Steph said, walking over to the clearly panicked and worried couple.

"Right everyone else, go warm up" Steph said, wanting to give Lucy and Keira space, because something was clearly very wrong.

Lucy couldn't speak, as she was choking on her cries, worrying about their daughter highly likely being in a war zone on the other side of the world right now.

"Did she tell you she was going there?" Steph asked, kneeling down infront of the couple who sat next to eachother, both frantically going through their phones about this breaking news.

"N-No, but- she said she wasn't allowed to tell us where or how long for, or nothing about it to be honest. It was highly confidential. But it say-says 16 air assault brigade, that's- that's who she's attached to. I just know she's the-there Steph" Lucy said, fully crying which also set Keira off too.

Steph looked at the distraughed couple infront of her. Y/n was practically her niece, well, all of the girls were auntie's to her. So of course, the worry and panick hit her too, but she just couldn't show it, for Lucy and Keira's sake.

"Yous two cannot play like this. Not in this state. I'm going to go speak to Gareth and let him know. It's only a pre-season friendly, it'll be fine. Yous need time to just sort yourselves out and try keep calm, okay?" Steph asked, Lucy nodded and Keira came out with a small "Yeah" before their skipper left the changing room to speak to their coach.

"Wha- what if something- hap-happens to her Kei? the stories of that place and what happens there- she- she could not come ba-back-" Lucy said inbetween choked sobs.

"Listen, listen to me. Y/n's not alone if she is there, and she's fully qualified to be there, she'll be alright. She's our daughter for gods sake, she's the strongest and toughest person we know, tough literally is the middle name" Keira said, trying to somewhat calm Lucy down.

It worked to a very small, mere extent, Lucy let a very small chuckle out with a quiet "Yeah", "I jus- I just- i'm so worried, we don't know how long they'll be there for, if she is even there, but I think she is, but I don't want to think she is- but it's very likely she is-"

"Luce, breathe. Breathe for me. You're having a panick attack. Breathe nice and slow for me please, please Luce. It's alright. It's alright" Keira said, climbing into Lucy's lap, straddling her as she cuddled her distraught girlfriend.

"Nice and slow, Luce. Follow my breathing, yeah, it's alright, babe, it's alright" Keira said to Lucy, trying to calm her down, and slowly it was working. But it didn't last too long.

Gareth stormed in, Steph jogging behind. "Yous both need to push personal issues aside and go warm up. Friendly or not, we have a lot to prove in next season, I need all my
best and fittest out there today, hurry it up" He said before storming back out.

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