Wuxi's head snaps up and their eyes meet and hold for a few seconds before Wuxi looks away his blush returning in a blaze of red on his cheeks, ears and neck. Wangji chuckles seeing Wuxi flustered 'He is so incredibly beautiful, my heart knew it even if my eyes couldn't see him clearly. No wonder a luxury brand wants him, he could grace any magazine with that face of his.'

Carmen watches them with a grin on her face then clears her throat "So the engagement is definitely called off then Wangji?"

He glances at his mother before turning his eyes back to the man sitting close to the hospital bed and nods "Absolutely, at least with Jin Su anyway."

She chuckles understanding her sons meaning and then she glances at Wuxi who is trying his best to hide his blushing face from them and her heart does a little flip knowing he will truly be part of her family. He will be her son for real not just in her heart.

A nurse aide comes into the room to get the samples from each of the babies and Wangji, after the samples are taken he asks "How long before we will know the results? Our child is sick and we need to know as soon as possible." He says with concern in his voice.

The aide smiles "Because you have a child in the hospital your results will be put on a rush so that we can have a full medical history for the baby. Don't worry we should know something within twenty-four hours." She nods gathering up her things.

Wuxi nods "One of my guards will be accompanying you and the samples, I have a crazy ex and I don't want anyone to tamper with our results."

The aide smiles "You have been watching C Dramas huh? Our lab is secure and there are monitoring cameras both inside and outside of the lab. However, because you are in a VIP room you are allowed to send a guard if you want."

Wuxi nods "I want, I know it might be silly but I don't want to take any chances and yes I do watch them which is why I'm paranoid sorry."

The aide giggles "You would be surprised at the amount of people that do the exact same thing, don't worry we are used to it. Have a good day." She walks out with one of the guards following her.

Wuxi looks at Wangji "I know you are the father of my children, I don't need the paternity test to know, I have only been with one person in my life and the result of that was our kids. That necklace would prove it to me even if nothing else did, I just don't want you to think that I doubt that you are their father Wangji."

He shakes his head "I don't, I only want the test so that I can show my grandfather so he stops trying to make me marry someone I don't love or want to be with. Let me ask you a question because I can prove this definitively without any doubts from anyone period."

Wuxi raises his eyebrow and nods "Alright, ask your question."

Wangji smirks "Has anyone but your lover from that night seen you without your shirt on? Family or anyone?"

He shakes his head "I'm not one to disrobe in front of others so the last person to see me without my shirt was my mother when I was ten maybe. Why?"

Wangji looks at him "So there is no way that I would be able to tell you anything about your body unless I had seen it with my own eyes correct? Since we didn't know each other before right?"

Wuxi looks quizzically at Carmen who shrugs shanking her head not understanding, he shrugs "Yeah, I mean there is no way you could really know anything about me when it comes to my body."

Wangji smirks "Good now that we have that established, you have a small birthmark on your left shoulder blade that looks like a tiny rabbit."

Wuxi laughs "I do not."

One Night Changed Everything (PAUSED)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن