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I just wanted to mention that the main-main ship is Kailor. I just love them a lot. So we'll see the other couples but this is more mainly focused on Kailor. I'm a Kailor Stan.

Please don't be devastated, I'll do the other ships justice!


Have you ever felt frustrated?


I would like to be erased from existence please.

And make it painful.

Because nothing was more embarrassing than the situation that I'm currently in. His eyes were lighter than I originally thought. They were still a dark brown, but they were lighter than most. Yes, I'm analyzing his eyes right now. Do I have any shame?


"I'm not a 'stalker girl' " I said and honestly I was surprised I was even able to say a word to him without stuttering.

"Then what are you? Because I'm sure if you weren't stalking me, I wouldn't have found you looking right AT me earlier" He said back to me. He didn't crack a smile. Nor a smirk. He just had a straight face that screamed 'I'm not amused'.

Is he a robot? Why is he so devoid of emotion?

"I was lost. I didn't even know you existed until I looked in there" I tried to defend myself. Then he rolled his eyes before turning to look at his book.

Rude much!?

For someone who doesn't seem to like stalking, he seems very adamant about the idea of ME stalking him. It's annoying me. I don't know WHAT his importance is in this school, but I definitely do not appreciate his attitude.

I sighed and turned once again in my seat. I felt Jay's eyes on me and before I could ask if I had something on my face he said:

"Don't mind him, Kai may act like a dick but he really isn't. He just needs time to open up to people" I was surprised he told me that. I wonder if Kai is naturally like this? I just smiled and said:

"You don't need to worry about me. I'll be fine"


What's this girl's deal?

First she stalks me, and then when I try to address the situation, she says she's lost?... Okay, I'm actually AWARE that she was lost, I've seen most of the students here. I know their faces. But the girl sitting next to me...

I've never seen her.

Also we don't really have redheads at our school so she's pretty noticeable. And I'm surprised Jay was able to make conversation with someone. Let alone a girl. That boy can barely tie his shoes without being nervous. I bet you're wondering how someone so jittery could be class president. Well, he might not be the most social of our little friend group, but he is in no way afraid of standing up to those who've wronged others. He's brave when he needs to be and I respect that.

So yeah, imagine my surprise when I entered the class and found him being social with a girl. The only girls he ever talks to are my sister, and three of our other female friends. This girl....

She's kinda hot.

What? I'm not really interested in dating right now—I haven't been in the last two years—but I know beauty when I see it.

And I know a pest when I see it too.

I have a feeling we're going to see each other more often, and I already know I'm going to have multiple arguments with this girl. She looks like the kind of person to stand her ground even when she's alone. Ugh. Now I know what to do.

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⏰ Letzte Aktualisierung: Mar 17 ⏰

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