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Just so that you are aware, here's what you need to note:

The main ships are:

Pixane (they're human)
Llorumi (but healthy, Harumi isn't going to be a bitch to put it simply, so please no hate)
Conia (Cole x Vania cause they're friendship in the show is too precious)

Side ships:

Tox x Camille (they are recurring characters)
Scott x Empathy

There will be:

Mentions of alcohol and smoking
Mentions of insecurities
Mature themes

Don't worry I'll put warnings for you guys.


Have you ever felt like bitch-slapping someone?


"That's it. Keep it up, Vania! You're doing great!"

My director complemented me as I struck another pose. The fan that is positioned near one of the other cameras there blew my hair slightly, allowing for the perfect photo effect.

"Aaaanndd, that's a wrap!" Mr Boucher declared after checking the photos. I stepped off the stage to check how my pictures turned out. They look great to be honest. The blue frilly dress I had on really made my blue eyes pop against my pale skin and blond hair.

"Thank you sir" I bowed a bit, and headed to my boss's office. This is the life of a girl who's had people's heads turning from the day she was born. I just finished with one of my MANY photoshoots and I couldn't be anymore relieved.

I didn't know people enjoyed capturing my beauty so much.

I guess that's what it is. I'm often referred to as Ninjago's Golden Girl. And I'm still not sure whether that was supposed to be some sort of pun referring to my hair colour. If it is?

Imma sue somebody.

I carefully knocked on Miss Nishimura's door. A small 'come in' was heard. I gently pushed the door open, but immediately rolled my eyes when I saw my partner already there, looking smug.

"Well hello, Skye"

"Hello to you too, Gordon"

Reluctantly I took a seat next to the son of the famed actor, Cliff Gordon. His presence annoyed me. How did he end up as my photoshoot partner? I would have been much, MUCH happier if it had been his brother here instead of him. Unfortunately, Jay wasn't too fond of being in the spotlight, and I respect that. I just wished his half-ass brother wasn't such a prick.

Lar and I watched as she scanned through our pictures, and I visibly gulped when I saw her eyebrows furrow. Oh no.

She took off her glasses.

I was beginning to get nervous. It didn't help that the doofus next to me was practically radiating fear as well. We heard a sigh.

"Guys" Miss Nishimura began, with her hands clasped in front of her. It was then that I noticed a small pot for plants with an odd purple crystal in it. Huh. Weird. "Your solo shots look wonderful, but your unit shots look forced" She took a gulp of her coffee. Safe to say our unit shots are stressing her. Whoops. "You look like an untrained cat and dog from different families who have been forced into one room"

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