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Have you ever felt embarrassed?


I can't believe this.

My dear old father decided that it was best for me to move schools. Thought my old school had a 'bad influence on me'. So now he expects me to start all over at a COMPLETELY different school, with unfamiliar people.


But hey, the uniform wasn't half bad. I decided to rock the skirt today, and I chose to wear the blazer. I kept looking at my surroundings, trying to familiarize myself with the environment. I was walking through a hallway filled with grey lockers, but almost all of then had some kind of personalization on the outside. My dad told me my locker number was 248, as he already booked a locker for me when he was busy with the transference.

I looked down at the map I was given and tried to decipher what the heck it said. I turned the damn map left, right and all around and I still couldn't I understand where those classes were. This is the reason I failed that one Geography test.

I kept walking around and found myself getting more and more lost. "Where is it?" I wondered to myself outloud, I was looking for my assigned teacher's class. As you can see, it's NOT going to plan. I continued walking as I tried to find what I would HOPE is the classroom I was assigned to. I was a little too focused on my map because...

I bumped into a door.

Not just any door, a double door. Huh. Is this the place? I quickly checked the map. I'm relying on this thing a little too much, I'm no better than Dora at this point. After establishing that I can't map read, I decided to push open the door.


I'm DEFINITELY at the wrong place.

When I peaked inside, I found a basketball court with a beautifully painted concrete floor, with some pavilions on the sides of the court. There was a large window that allowed some natural light into the court. It looked good. That's when I realised that I'm not alone. I could hear the faint sound of shoes squeaking and a ball bouncing somewhere. I peaked further into the room to try and see who it was.

Holy mother of earth.

He was the most attractive guy I've ever seen. His dark brown hair fell over his eyes as he tried to pick up his ball. And his arms, they were nicely toned and so were his legs. Didn't help that he decided to stretch his arms a bit, making them flex. He is wearing a tank top and basketball shorts if you were wondering. And from here it seemed like he was taller than me. He is a sight for sore eyes.



He was now looking at me with a piercing gaze, his brown eyes seemed to be devoid of emotion  hiding whatever he thought of this situation. He had the ball in his hands, and his head was tilted to the side as he stared at me. Ah shittens.

Should I ask him for help? No I don't have the courage to.

Should I just bolt?


With that, I turned around and ran faster than I ever had. Oh my gosh that was so embarrassing. I stopped by some stairs and sat down. Great. That guy must think I'm crazy. What if he thinks I was stalking him!? Well, actually, I'd be surprised if he DIDN'T have any stalkers, have you seen the guy? He's gorgeous.

I sighed heavily. My first day at a new school and not only have I managed to get even more lost than I was in the beginning, but now some really gorgeous looking dude probably thinks I'm a crazy stalker. Fuck my life.

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