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"You look happy for someone who's about to go back to work from being in Hawaii."

Malia shrugged. "I missed Memphis, my best friends are married and I'm getting back to my money. I'm really happy."

Obviously, Malia was happy for other reasons as well. Things between she and Ja were secretive but Malia couldn't contain her happiness sometimes seeing as though she had her man back.

They opted not to jump straight back in and take things at a slower pace. It was something they both agreed on.

"You didn't even stay the whole reception." Brook complained. "Neither did Ja."

Malia thought briefly of telling Brook the truth but took a couple quick seconds to come up with a lie instead. "We got into a little disagreement. I didn't wanna ruin the mood of the party with my mood so I left. I'm not even gonna try and guess where Temetrius went afterwards."

Brooklyn rolled her eyes. "Probably went out and slept with the first Hawaiian girl he saw."

"They are pretty out there."

"You're prettier." Her friend reminded her, looking through her wedding photos. "Ugh, I'm gonna be so sad when Des and I go back to Milwaukee."

Malia pouted. "You guys should just buy a house here so you can come and go as you please."

"Not a bad idea."

This week was Malia's last week from work until the New Year. It was the day after Christmas and Malia would be exchanging gifts with all of her friends. The Grizzlies had a home game yesterday and Desmond was at physical therapy, so the girls were set to meet them later on.

"I honestly wish that I had family to do gift exchange with." Malia admitted, looking in her closet. "I'm really glad I have you guys."

Brooklyn looked up at her. "Of course, Malia. You'll always have us."

She smiled sadly. "I know. You're like my sister, Jaren and Desmond are my brothers. Ja is just..."

"Yeah. Don't even touch that one." Brook said. "I have to disagree, though. You're like the Mom of the group."


Brook sighed, thinking briefly of the fire. "You would be such a good fucking Mom and it pisses me off that you never get a fair chance."

Malia looked over at Brooklyn whose head was leaned back as she stared at the ceiling. Her eyes were filled with tears for Malia, which made the school teacher frown.

"It's okay, Brook." Malia said. "Don't cry."

Brooklyn fanned her face. "I know. I'm on my period. But, I'm being honest. You'd be a better parent than any parent that I know."

Brooklyn's compassion and sympathy for Malia only added insult to injury. Malia had been pregnant twice and neither worked out. The way Malia loved others was maybe the reason that it hadn't worked out.

Either way, Brooklyn made a secret promise to herself that no one knew about. She'd never say it out loud because she'd sound stupid but it was something she swore to herself at the hospital when Malia lost the baby.

Brook wasn't having kids anytime soon. Brook, who also came from a troubled family, dreamed to have a big family of her own. But- because she loved Malia, she wouldn't have children until after Malia did.

Brooklyn's mind told her that life hadn't been fair to Malia. The universe hadn't been kind to the girl ever. So, Brooklyn absolutely refused to have any kids until Malia's time came.

Attractions: Book 2Where stories live. Discover now