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"Nigga, what?"

Desmond shook his head, grabbing the rebound for Ja. "Yup. Brook told me."

"You lying." Ja accused, shooting the ball. "Malia ain't say that."

Of course, Desmond was running his mouth when he shouldn't have been. It was something that Ja needed to know so Des, as a good friend, was gonna tell him what was up. Ja just didn't know what to make of it.

"I'm telling you your girl wants you back and you wanna go through the 5 stages of denial." Desmond said. "Hurry up and accept it."

Ja chuckled, sitting the ball down. "What exactly Malia say then?"

"Said that she still love you. I didn't ask all that other bullshit."

"Okay, but what do her still lovin' me mean, though?" The point guard thought, scratching his head. "Malia got feelings for french boy-"

Desmond cut him off. "You content with losing your girl ta' Killian Hayes, Ja?"

"It's not that, bruh." Ja said. "So much shit happened. Ta' be honest, I love Malia ta' death and I would do whatever ta' have her back."

"So, go get her."

Ja smirked. "Nah."

"Nigga what?"

"I mean not nah. But, not yet." He corrected himself. "This you and Brook season so I gotta play it cool and let that shit happen naturally."

Desmond stared at Ja, slightly annoyed. "Now, I'm mad because you sound just like Malia. Talkin' about some happen naturally."

"Shut that shit up."

"You know what you could do?" Desmond said. "Bring a plus one to the wedding to make Malia jealous."

Ja chuckled, pulling his phone out. "Or be a regular functionin' fuckin' adult..."

He dialed Malia, doing a quick check of the time. Malia had just gotten out of school meaning she was either grading papers at school or on her way home.


"Hi, Malia."

Malia sat at her desk, stressing like usual. "Hi, Ja. How was Oklahoma City?"

"Put belt ta' ass and got up outta there."

"I saw." She laughed, finally looking at his face in the frame. "I'm so sleepy."

Ja ran his fingers through his hair. "I ain't mean ta' bother you."

"It's okay. I'm bored anyways." Malia said. "Who are you with?"

"Why?" He chuckled. "Who you with?"


Ja spoke up before he thought about it. "Good."

"Answer my question."

"I'm in the gym by myself." Ja showed her the gym. "Des went off somewhea'."

Malia nodded. "Okay."

"We was just talkin' about the wedding and shit." He started. "Niggas buggin' me about a plus one and shit."

"Me, too."

Ja joked. "They cryin' about keepin' shit small but want er'rybody ta' bring somebody."

"It makes literally no sense." Malia said, laughing. "Brooklyn literally left so many people off the guest list but then is in my face about a plus one."

"Shit dumb."

Malia smiled. "So, who are you gonna take?"

"I'on know."

Attractions: Book 2Where stories live. Discover now