Although she didn't say it, her silent icy demeanour when the Winx and Ultras introduced themselves sent a message to the the League and the Team that if they tried anything, she won't take it lying down like she did im the past.

As reluctant and bitter as she was with them, Chiara knew their help would be essential. She tried to keep her cool. She really did. But there was like a ticking time bomb inside her.

Flora came up to her and placed a gentle hand on her shoulder. No matter how many times she told herself to be calm, even when her friends were with her, Chiara just couldn't help it.

Suddenly, Superman stepped forward. Instinctively, Chiara gently pushed Flora behind her. Her hands were tense as a sign that she was anticipating the worst. Normally, the heroes would respond in the same manner and draw out their weapons or go into a fighting stance.

However, to her surprise, they didn't this time. This time, they actually looked ashamed and disappointed. But not at her. More like at themselves.

"Chiara, I, on behalf of the Justice League and the Team...we would like to apologise." Said Superman.

"What?" Chiara almost did a double take.

Then Black Canary came up.

"We are deeply sorry for how we treated you, Chiara. We listened to Zatanna and trusted her word without trying to understand you."

Their sudden apology left her stupefied. Truthfully, all she wanted was to hear them say they were sorry and accept her for her. And actually listen to her.

But, that's what she thought she wanted. She believed it would finally quell the burn she felt in her heart whenever she thought of them.

But on the contrary, it did the opposite. Suddenly, a wave of emotions washed over her. Fear. Anger. Sadness. Betrayal. Rejection. Hate.

Then one thing came to mind. Trying to keep her composure, she bitterly forced out:



"Why are you apologising now? Why did I have to die for you to start using your heads instead of listening to Zatanna? Don't you know how horrible I felt? Everyday was like walking on a minefield. I couldn't use my magic freely cause then you would start looking at me like I might try to murder you. Even on missions I kept thinking 'Am I gonna make it out alive?' because I knew no one had my back! M'gann wouldn't even let me in on the mind link!"

To their credit, some looked more remorseful and even horrified.

"Wait, M'gann did what?" Superboy asked in disbelief and even horror. The others seem to also share the same sentiment.

Did they really not know about her being shut out from the mind link? Which meant that she was in the dark the whole time.

"Why didn't you say anything?"

"I did!" She snapped.

"The first time I went to M'gann and asked her about it. She said since I was still new I probably wasn't used to it. Next time I came to her after nearly losing a limb cause I didn't get information like you guys she lashed out at me and said there was no way she's letting a potential threat in. I might try to fry your brains out she said. All because she's butt hurt that she can't go poking around my head for fun."

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