Chapter 4

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If you asked Zero why he had a large bandage over his erium lamp, he would tell you he got injured during a battle against a strong, ferocious, deadly monster. Yup, that's it.

It definitely wasn't because he offended Chiara. And he definitely didn't get the bandage over his erium lamp because Chiara decided to ram into him full speed just to prove a point.

Luckily, ultras heal real quick. But for him not quick enough if he had to keep the bandage on for the rest of the day.

To avoid anymore questions about his forehead, Zero confined himself to the private training room hoping to pass the time and away from prying eyes. Emphasis on the word private.

He kicked and punched holographic targets that appeared around him until he spun around to strike another one. It disappeared into digitized particles and revealed none other than Chiara who was standing a few feet away.

She waved awkwardly when Zero finally noticed her presence.

"How long have you been there?"

"I've been here for a while now... You looked so focused I didn't want to bother you so I thought I'd come by later but then I got distracted seeing you do really cool moves like that sooo...." her babbling ended with an awkward laugh at the end.

"Oh? So you were amazed by my awesome moves then?" He says as he runs his thumb across the corner of his mouth and walks over to her.

"Yeah something like that... listen, I need to tell you something..." she starts off. Her tone has him on edge. There's a seriousness from it that she's never used before. He noted how she was fidgeting her hands as she nervously stole glances at him . Could it be-

He mentally slapped himself for that idea. How could he think that? 

"I'm sorry!" she blurted out. Zero was startled by her out-of-nowhere apology.

"Wha- what are you apologizing for?"

"You know," she motioned at her forehead while staring at his, "this". Zero subconsciously brought a hand to his bandaged forehead and figured out what she was talking about. To be honest, he wasn't really mad at her or anything. He might be embarrassed if people found out he got hurt because he angered the purple ultra over something stupid. But she had a point though she expressed it in a little violent way.

"This? Don't worry about it, it'll be gone by the end of the day." he assured her while patting her head. Chiara slowly brought her hand up to his that was patting her head.

"Really?...You're not mad?..." she sounded meek yet so surprised and hopeful.


Suddenly, another pain struck her head. Then she saw a scene play before her.

"I did all that I could to drive him off!" a silver haired girl defended herself. The air in the ship felt tense as the two magic users were sizing each other up.

"Guys, I think we should take a moment to-" the hero sporting a black t-shirt with a signature red S tried to reason but was abruptly cut off.

"Well not good enough if the mission was still a fail!"

"It was trap and you know it. We all know it! Besides, if you just worked with me we wouldn't have been so busy with witch boy and we would've been able to go help the rest of the team. But nooo, you just had to throw yourself in there and refused my help!"

"Oh please,I fought Klarion more times that you can count. What makes you think you could do better?" the sorceress shot back.

"I don't think I could do better. But together we had a fighting chance. A chance you  threw away!"

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