Chapter 13

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After peaceful sleep, Chiara felt energised and relaxed. Her mind wasn't a mess anymore. For the first time in a long time she felt good to be herself.

She worked with Hikari to get an answer to her current state. After a lot of tests and research, they found out that the energy of the plasma spark had mutated her genes. But her ultra blood and fairy blood plus magic kept clashing before finally becoming one. Thus making her half ultra half fairy.

Chiara could now use both magic and her ultra powers minus the forehead lamp since she didn't have one anymore. Don't get her wrong, she has nothing against her ultra form. But it felt so good to be in her own skin again.

With the help of her friends, she began healing from her trauma associated with a certain hero team. It was slow but it was working. When was the last time she used her magic so freely without worrying about what other people thought?

Though, her issues about her past with young justice would come and haunt her from time to time. Sometimes she would talk it out. If she didn't feel like talking it out, then the next best option was punching it out.

Violence is never the answer they say. The fairy would beg to differ.

Back in the magic dimension, the Winx of course had their stressful times. And of course they had their own ways of dealing with it. Flora would tend to her plants. Musa would read a book while blasting up her music at full volume. And Chiara, she would set up a combat obstacle course in the Alfea gym that would put Red Fountain's to shame. None of the Specialists could even come close to beating her record.

This time Chiara decided to brush up on her combat skills. She punched, kicked and shot targets with her powers. The last row of targets was dealt with a swift kick in the air. She thought that was the last of it before sensing something coming from behind her.

Immediately Chiara spun around to punch whatever it was. But something, or someone, caught her fist in mid air. A large blue cloth fluttered from the impact of her fist. Said blue cloth was a blue mantle. A blue mantle that belonged to none other than Zero.

"Zero! I'm sorry, I didn't know it was you."

"Don't sweat it. I'm the one that snuck up on you anyway." Said Zero. Under his mantle, he clenched and unclench his throbbing hand out of view. And the blow from stopping her fist pushed him back an inch. It was barely noticeable but he sure noticed it. Are fairies supposed to be this strong?

"Oh you want to use this training area? I'm just about done here anyway." She asked.

"No nothing like that. I was just passing by and saw you here. You looked really... frustrated."

Zero noticed how her entire body tensed up before easing. Chiara looked away from him and subtly squeezed her hands together. A gesture she did when she was anxious or nervous he noted.

"Yeah, it's just, with my memories back and you guys helping and all...I had a chance to think about everything that happened and...somethings I realize made me feel so dumb."

From there, she opened up more about her past. And what he heard made his blood boil.


Some of them never fully trusted me and very few were cool about my presence. There was this one guy though that was different.

He was a vigilante with no powers but was more than capable of going up against enemies who did. He was also the leader of the team. Nightwing was what they called him.

When I first joined the team, he was the first to welcome me with no hostility. He showed me the ropes and helped me a lot. I slowly started to fall for him, but thought nothing would happen because of my situation. Imagine my surprise when he confessed that he liked me.

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