Notice of Hiatus

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First of all, I'd like to express how happy & grateful I am that this story has gained many positive feedback as well as loyal readers who always anticipate every new chapter I release. Considering how random this crossover and crossover pairing is.

However, there are things that I have to prioritise and right now, my main priority are my studies. Which is why I am here to inform you all that I will be taking a long hiatus to focus more on them

Even so, I can assure you that I too want  to see this story to the very end. So, I estimate that my hiatus will take about 5 months or so which means I will be back sometime next year.

Maybe there will be an update earlier than planned if I continue writing as a way to take a break from studying so much. But with all the cramming and extra classes I'm more likely to hit the hay every chance I get.

If there isn't anything else that comes up, I will try my best to bring this story to a satisfactory end once I return.

Until then, I would very much appreciate any ideas you guys have to help me build up the next chapters when I continue. This can be done in the comments section if you'd like to.

Once again I'd like to express my gratitude for all positive feedback this story has gained until now. And I hope it will continue even when I'm away.

Well, that's all for now. See you guys again next year. Ciao!

Sincerely, Inky~

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