Chapter 3

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A young woman, no more than a teen, walked down the halls with a book in hand. Her silver hair beautifully shown under the sunlight. Suddenly, a young boy came running down the hall towards her.

"Chira! Chira!" he shouted. His hair was a mess with dirt and twigs in it. His shirt was slightly torn and his small chubby face was littered in small cuts.

"Aiden! Why do you look like you just wrestled a racoon?" The boy, Aiden, smiled sheepishly at his older sister.

"I didn't wrestle a racoon..." hearing that the girl sighed in relief.

"I fell out of a tree." he finished. She stared at him. Her eyes were boring into him. Then she sighed again before she placed a hand on his cheek. All his cuts and wounds flashed with light before they completely vanished. Aiden smiled brightly at her." Thanks sis!"

"Care to tell me why you were in a tree of all places? Seriously, I'll be leaving for Alfea soon you know. I won't be here to get you outta every mess you get yourself into." She folded her arms and looked away while pretending to pout.

"I know! That's why I was in a tree." She looked at him clearly dumbfounded." Wha-" Then he pulled out a flower from his pocket. How it didn't wither in there she didn't know. But what caught her attention was the type of flower it was. If she wasn't mistaken, this flower blooms on the tree in their garden. The only thing is... it only blooms every 10 years. Even then only a few buds would grow and bloom.

"Sis! This flower's really pretty and it matches your hair," he shoved it in her face a little too roughly. She gently took his hand in hers and seemed reluctant to let go.

"This is my parting gift for you. You're gonna rock it at Alfea!"

She felt tears forming in her eyes. Suddenly everything around them started fading away. His hand slipped away from hers as he was pulled into the light.

Chiara woke up with a gasp. Her cheeks were wet with tears. Her body felt a bit weak but she still tried to sit up and succeeded. She scanned her surroundings and recognised it as the medbay.

The ultra looked at her hands and they seemed to flash from her purple ultra hands to fair skinned human hands and then back. She didn't know if it was real or an illusion.

Then she touched her face. It felt the same yet it felt like something was a miss. She didn't feel like herself. But then again, she had no memories so what is herself?

' I feel so different...' she felt her wet cheeks caused by crying.

'Why am i  crying?...' she remembered the dream she had before waking up.

'Aiden...who's that?...'

Then came the all too familiar voice of a certain orange ultrawoman who gasped at the sight of her.

"Chiara! You're awake!"

After waking up, Chiara was brought up to speed on what happened.

A month had passed since Chiara fell into a coma. According to Hikari's research her sudden outburst wad caused by the power source inside her. It was known before that she's half ultra while the other half was unknown. Whatever it is clashed with her ultra blood and caused a severe backlash within her. Whether it's life threatening or not remains to be seen. He also warned them that it might happen again in the future.

Her friends visited her in the medbay as much as they could. Which wasn't much since everyone was on their toes after receiving news of a new threat emerging. And not to mention the problems with the devil splinters.

It took a few days before Chiara was completely discharged from the medbay. Things were back to normal, well as normal as they can be. But deep down Chiara couldn't help but feel weird inside. It was something akin to... loneliness. Whenever she stared at her own reflection, it felt like she wasn't staring at herself. She didn't feel like herself. But she had no memory so what was her true self?

Somewhere in the galaxy, a certain blue and red ultra was on his way home after completing a mission. During his journey a purple ultra crossed his mind.

He still remembered the comforting warmth he felt that day when they first met. Chiara couldn't remember who she is or where she came from yet she still showed sheer determination and a positive attitude that never wavered. Yet behind all that, he could see loneliness in her eyes. 

Her screams that day still haunted him. This was someone who got right back up when she's knocked down and took every hit without a complaint yet whatever she felt that day must've been excruciating. But something else bothered him that day. 

Amidst all the chaos, he could've sworn he caught a flash of violet irises staring back at him when their eyes met. Just what was she really?

That didn't really matter, Chiara was still Chiara no matter what. But what if she got her memories back? Would she be different?

He was so lost in thought that he didn't look where he was going until...



Chiara was on her way back to her quarters from the ultra library when an intense headache overwhelmed her.

"Not again..." she mumbled. An image of two of people stargazing flashed across her mind. A few minutes passed before the headache went away. 

Chiara then gazed at the sky almost longingly. 'Could it be some kind of sign?' she thought. Her feet lifted off the ground as she began flying up, up and into the sky. Eventually she crossed the planets' atmosphere and stopped at a distance. 

She stood there for hours while gazing at the stars. She felt like it would lead her to something. Her memories perhaps. But all she got was a few meteors and comets passing by from time to time. In the end she gave up waiting and was about to go back when suddenly...


Whatever crashed into her packed a punch. Thankfully she managed to stop herself from rolling into space. Chiara raised her hand to attack thinking that it was a hostile alien or monster before realizing it was none other than Zero.

She flew closer to him and placed her hands on her hips while glaring,

"What was that for?!"

"I should be asking you the same thing!"

"I'm not the one that wasn't looking where I was going and crashed into people!"

"Says who?"

"Oh, so it's your habit to crash into people on purpose?"

"Is not! Besides, shouldn't you be in bed?" he shot back.

"I've been up for a while now and I'm doing just fine."

"Well not fine enough if a little push can knock you down." He said crossing his arms and turning away. Chiara was appalled. The audacity of him. She huffed before flying a good distance away from him.

"Little? Oh I'll show little!" She then proceeded to blast herself in his direction at full speed. Zero who still had his back to her sensed the incoming ultra a bit too late.

He turned around just in time to see her slam into him.

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