Chapter 1

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Mother of Ultra and Ultraman Hikari were in ultra clinic 78 with the Land of Lights newest arrival. An unknown Ultrawoman that came from a portal and crash landed on their planet. 

She was purple with a bit of silver and had a slugger in the middle of her head. There was a pair of flat pigtails that were longer and straighter than Mother of Ultra's.

The flat side of her pigtails faced the sides unlike Mother of Ultra's pigtails that were facing the front. Her eyes were in the shape of tear drops with purple outlines around them.

She sported a diamond shaped timer on her chest and wrist braces that were a deeper shade of purple compared to her body.

Her eyes currently weren't glowing. It worried them at first because they thought she was dead but her timer was still glowing. So they took it as an indicator that she's just passed out. 

"Scanners show that she's an ultra but... not a complete ultra." Hikari informed

"What? What do you mean?" Mother of Ultra asked him a little perplexed.

Hikari pulled up the information he had on the holographic screen.

"Ultras fully depend on light to sustain us. We typically receive light from the plasma spark or any other strong light force like the sun. But the body of this ultrawoman here seems to collect a low amount of light compared to other ultras. Instead, she seems to have something else sustaining her from deep within. In fact, there seems to be something else in her blood other than ultra blood." He informed her as the screen showed a normal ultra body beside the unknown ultrawoman's body for a clearer comparison.

Just then, Father of Ultra entered the room followed by Mebius, Seven, Zoffy, Leo and Astra.

"What is the current situation regarding this ultra?" Father of Ultra asked.

"She hasn't awaken yet but my research shows that she's quite different compared to other ultras. I've cross referenced our data base and can't seem to find any information about her..." Hikari answered.

They all looked at the holographic screen and read over the information gathered.

"Could she be clone? Perhaps a more advanced clone of darkness sent by an enemy." Seven suggested.

"That couldn't be. Darkclops are made from pure darkness and negative energy down to their core. But this ultra however has her own core of pure light and energy. She's also only half ultra while the other half is currently unknown. Whatever it is could be the reason for her ability to sustain herself without the need for outside light source." Hikari concluded his deduction.

"I also ran a DNA test to see if there was a match to Belial or Ultraman Geed. The results were negative and there were also no signs of any cloning genes either." He added.

Just then, the ultra on the gurney began to stir. Everybody was on high alert.Her eyes were lighting back up as a sign she was waking up. Then came Mother of Ultra's sweet and calming voice,

"Hello dear, are you awake now?"

"...Where...where am I?..." she asked a little out of it.

It was Mebius who answered, "You are currently in ultra clinic 78. You were brought here after crash landing near the ultra colosseum." The ultra seemed startled. "I...what?"

"It's alright dear, no need to panic. You're all better now. There are no major injuries even though you made a really big hole when you landed."  Mother of Ultra tried calming her but hearing she crash landed and made a hole wasn't really helping.

She struggled a bit to sit up despite Mother of Ultra telling her to lay down. When she successfully sat up, she got a good look around her. She did a double take when she saw so many ultras standing around her, staring. Not to mention they looked intimidating except for Mother of Ultra.

When they asked for her name, she suddenly had a headache and held her head. A voice rang her head,


Mother of Ultra quickly checked her over and asked what's wrong. The pain was gone and she answered,

"I name is...Chiara..."

They tried asking her more questions but she couldn't answer any of them. A further examination confirmed that she had amnesia.

After a discussion, they decided to leave her in the hands of the new generation ultras for the time being. So that's how Chiara ended up being introduced to Grigio, Geed and Zett.

"Hi! I'm ultrawoman Grigio! Happy!" Grigio flashed her signature happy gesture.

"I'm ultraman Geed."

"Yosh! I'm ultraman Z! Disciple of ultraman Zero!"

Chiara didn't expect to be greeted so cheerfully. For some reason she expected a wary and hostile meeting. But everyone seems so nice and welcoming.

"H..Hi! I'm ultrawoman Chiara. It's nice to meet you." She tried her best to sound confident and friendly.

"We heard about what happened." Geed said.

"You did?"

"Don't worry! Until you get your memories back we'll show you how to be an ultra!" Grigio exclaimed as she pulled Chiara with her followed by Geed and Z.

"Yeah! We'll try our ultra best to help you!"

Chiara felt confused "Ultra...?"

"Don't mind him. He just likes putting ultra in everything he says." Said Grigio.

They arrived in the training room where they saw ultras sparing each other on floating platforms. Chiara was amazed by it. One red and blue ultra caught her eye. "Who's that?"she asked.

"Hm? Oh, that's Zero." Said Grigio


"She means Ultraman Zero. He's one of the legendary ultras that defeated Belial several times! And-!" Z went on with his fanboying rant while Grigio and Geed pulled her away.

"Leave him. When he starts fanboying he won't stop for another hour or at least until someone whacks his head." Said Geed.

Then Z realized he was left alone." Guys! Wait up!"

As they neared the platform, Zero jumped down followed by Rosso and Blu. It seemed like they were having a 1 vs 2 sparing match.

Grigio greeted her brothers cheerfully as usual and they were equally happy to see her. Chiara who was watching the happy sibling moment didn't notice Zero walking towards them.

"Master! It's ultra great to see you!"

"Tsk, I told you I'm not taking a disciple. Not for another 20000 years!" Then he noticed Chiara standing timidly behind Z and Geed.

"Who's this?" He asked.

"'m ultrawoman Chiara. I just got here a few days ago."

"So you're the ultra that lost her memories"

"Wait, does everyone know? That I lost my memories."

"Well, word does spread fast. Especially since you crash landed here."said Geed.

"I'm Zero by the way. Ultraman Zero." Zero held his hand out for a handshake.

"It's nice to meet you." Chiara shook his hand for a few seconds before she was suddenly pulled away by Grigio.

"Chiara, come meet the rest!" She said excitedly. Unknown to them, Zero looked at the hand that she shook. The comforting warmth he felt still lingered.

"Her felt really warm."

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