Stealth and Survival

Start from the beginning

"June?" A voice startled the nurse out of her thoughts. "AH?!" She turns around and finds that it's just Agent Fowler. He entered the base through the elevator, but the nurse was too distracted to notice him. "Oh, Goodness Bill, you startled me..." She held a hand to her chest trying to calm herself. 

"Sorry...Where's the Autobots?" The government agent apologized.

"They're on a mission," June replied, her voice tense with worry. "Trying to rescue Zucky from the Decepticons."

Agent Fowler's expression darkened with concern. "Is there anything I can do to help?"

June shook her head. "Not at the moment. We're just waiting for updates."

Fowler nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. "Well, if there's anything I can do, just let me know."

"Thank you, Bill," June said gratefully, offering him a small smile before returning her attention to the communications console.


Meanwhile, aboard the Decepticon ship, Ratchet moved stealthily through the corridors, his sensors guiding him towards the children's location. He remained vigilant, his optics scanning for any sign of danger as he closed in on their position.

As the children crouched behind makeshift cover, they watched with bated breath as the Decepticon guards patrolled the area, their movements erratic and unpredictable. Raf's heart raced in his chest as he tried to think of a plan, his mind racing with adrenaline-fueled panic.

{"We need to find a way past them,"} Raf whispered urgently to his friends, his voice barely audible over the sound of their pounding hearts.

Miko nodded, her expression determined. {"I have an idea, but we'll have to move fast."}

With a silent nod of agreement, the children prepared to make their move, their hearts pounding with fear and determination as they braced themselves for the dangerous task ahead.


Zucky eyed Knockout for any signs that he was jesting about the experiment he was about to conduct with the energon cubes. There was none.

"And here you thought you could hide it from us?" The Red con asked and took a piece of polished metal and showed the dragon her reflection. Indeed, her eyes had not stopped glowing since she last checked in the walls of the cage.

"S-so what if my eyes are glowing? It's probably from radiation poisoning or something. Like I said..." She felt like she was repeating herself like a broken record.

"Very well..." Knockout wasn't about to make much effort on his part to convince her to cooperate. He typed a line of code into the computer that summoned the restraints again. With the prisoner restrained, he opened the cage and removed the snack bags. "I tried to be nice, but I guess we're not there quite just yet." He took one of the tiny cubes and placed it into the cage with Zucky. Though it looked more like a 64 cubic inch cube to her. After typing another line of code into the computer, the cage was closed and the restraints were removed. "But I'm not a monster, so I'll leave you with a little bit of sustenance in case you get hungry."

Zucky scowled and growled at him. The con medic didn't pay her any mind and continued about his duties as usual. 

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Hearing the sounds of pedsteps in the adjacent hallway, the Vehicon guards' attention was lured away from the children's hiding spot.

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