Missing socks

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Nico di Angelo lounged on the couch in the Apollo cabin, scrolling through his phone, while Will Solace rummaged through his dresser, muttering under his breath.

Nico: "What are you looking for, Will? Another pair of rainbow socks?"

Will: "No, Nico. I'm looking for my lucky socks. You know, the ones with the sun pattern that I wear during important surgeries."

Nico: "Ah, the mythical lucky socks. Have you checked under your bed? Maybe they're having a secret dance party with your missing sandals."

Will rolled his eyes, but couldn't hide the hint of amusement in his voice. "Very funny, Nico. This is serious. I need those socks for the surgery tomorrow."

Nico: "Relax, Will. I'm sure they'll turn up. Maybe they're just on vacation in the Bermuda Triangle."

Will shot Nico a mock glare before resuming his search, pulling out drawers and tossing clothes around with increasing frustration.

Nico: "You know, Will, if you're so worried about losing things, maybe you should consider organizing your stuff once in a while."

Will: "Oh, and I suppose your cabin is the epitome of tidiness, Nico? Last time I checked, your skeleton army had taken over your bed."

Nico chuckled. "Touché, Solace. But at least I know where all my important stuff is."

Will stopped searching and turned to face Nico, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Oh yeah? Where's your stash of chocolate bars then?"

Nico's eyes widened in horror. "You wouldn't dare!"

Will smirked, inching closer. "Try me."

Before Nico could react, Will lunged for the couch, causing Nico to scramble to protect his precious chocolate stash. In the chaos that ensued, a loud crash echoed through the cabin as Will's dresser toppled over, revealing a secret compartment filled with... socks.

Nico and Will froze, staring at the unexpected discovery, before bursting into laughter.

Nico: "Well, well, well. Looks like the lucky socks weren't so lucky after all."

Will: "I guess not. But hey, at least we found them!"

Sun and StarTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon