Prank war

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Nico and Will sat at the Apollo cabin's table, plotting their next move in the ongoing prank war between cabins.

Nico: "Alright, Will, we need to come up with something good for our next prank. Those Athena campers won't know what hit them."

Will nodded eagerly, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "I'm thinking we replace all their textbooks with copies of 'Percy Jackson and the Stolen Chariot.'"

Nico smirked. "That's good, but not devious enough. How about we fill their cabin with inflatable owls and sign them up for the 'Owl Appreciation Society' newsletter?"

Will's eyes widened in delight. "I love it! But we'll need to be stealthy to pull it off."

Nico: "Agreed. We'll wait until they're at breakfast and then strike under the cover of darkness."

As they finalized their plan, a sudden crash echoed from outside the cabin.

Nico and Will exchanged a glance before rushing outside to investigate, only to find the Athena cabin covered in a mountain of... rainbow-colored glitter.

Nico: "What in Hades' name...?"

Will stifled a laugh. "Looks like the Athena campers beat us to it. They've turned their cabin into a glittery wonderland."

Nico shook his head in disbelief. "Those sneaky little... I have to hand it to them, though. This is impressive."

Will grinned. "Indeed. But it's not over yet. We'll have to up our game if we want to reclaim our title as prank champions."

Nico nodded, a determined glint in his eyes. "Agreed. The Great Camp Prank War is far from over."

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