Apollo breaks in..

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Nico: "I still say black and red are the way to go. It's classic, powerful, and suits the atmosphere."

Will nodded in agreement. "Exactly! Black and red are bold choices that will make a statement."

Apollo interjected, holding up a bright yellow swatch. "But gentlemen, let's not overlook the brilliance of yellow. It's the color of sunshine, warmth, and joy. Perfect for lifting spirits around the campfire."

That startled Will."Dad!? What-"

Nico raised an eyebrow skeptically. "Yellow? Are we hosting a picnic or a campfire?"

Apollo chuckled. "Nico, my dear boy, a little brightness never hurt anyone. Besides, yellow symbolizes creativity and positivity. It could inspire campers to share their stories and talents around the fire."
He turned to Will "Sorry for popping up out of nowhere,but you better rethink.I could sing a haiku on thins special event.At the Campfi-"

Will quickly considered Apollo's words before turning to Nico. "Maybe we could compromise. Black and red as the base colors, with touches of yellow for a vibrant contrast."

Nico hesitated, but eventually relented. "Fine, but only if we keep the black dominant."

Apollo clapped his hands in delight. "Excellent! A perfect harmony of colors to illuminate our gathering. Now, let's bring some light and warmth to Camp Half-Blood!"

As they began to decorate, their playful banter filled the cabin, echoing with laughter and camaraderie. In the end, they created a masterpiece that blended the strength of black and red with the radiance of yellow, a true reflection of their diverse personalities and shared bond.

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