Colour selection

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Nico and Will sat in the Apollo cabin, surrounded by various shades of paint swatches, trying to decide on a color scheme for the upcoming campfire.

Nico: "I still think we should go with black and red. It's classic and it suits the ambience of the campfire."

Will: "But Nico, black and red is know. We should try something more vibrant, like yellow and orange. It'll bring warmth and energy to the gathering."

Nico scowled. "Yellow and orange? Are you serious? We're not hosting a preschool arts and crafts session."

Will rolled his eyes. "Come on, Nico. We need to think outside the box."

Nico crossed his arms, unconvinced. "I'm not convinced, Will. Black and red is timeless. It's dramatic, it's powerful."

Will sighed, running a hand through his hair. "Look, Nico, I get it. You like dark colors. But we're trying to create a welcoming atmosphere here, not summon demons from the depths of Tartarus."

Nico bristled at the implication. "Hey, I resent that! Just because I'm the son of Hades doesn't mean I have a thing for darkness."

Will held up his hands in surrender. "Okay, okay, I'm sorry. But can we at least compromise? How about we use black and red as the base colors and add pops of yellow and orange for accent?"

Nico considered Will's suggestion for a moment before nodding reluctantly. "Fine, but only if we keep the black dominant."

Will grinned triumphantly. "Deal! Now let's get to work. We've got a campfire to prepare."

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