Missing sunglasses

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Nico and Will sat on the steps of the Apollo cabin, enjoying the warm summer breeze, when Nico suddenly realized something was amiss.

Nico: "Hey, Will, have you seen my sunglasses? I could've sworn I left them right here."

Will glanced around, his brows furrowing in confusion. "Hmm, nope. I haven't seen them."

Nico: "Strange. I had them with me just a few minutes ago."

Will: "Maybe they fell off when you were practicing archery earlier."

Nico shook his head. "I don't think so. I remember putting them down before we started talking."

Will: "Well, they couldn't have just disappeared into thin air."

Nico smirked. "Unless they were stolen by the sunglasses thief of Camp Half-Blood."

Will chuckled. "Ah yes, the infamous sunglasses thief strikes again. Who could it be this time?"

Nico's eyes twinkled with mischief. "My money's on Apollo. He's been eyeing my sunglasses ever since I got them."

Will laughed. "Or maybe it was Hermes, looking to add to his collection of stolen goods."

Nico: "Well, whoever it was, they better watch out. I'll hunt them down like a son of Hades on a quest."

Will: "Easy there, Nico. Let's not jump to conclusions. Maybe they just got misplaced somewhere."

Nico sighed, conceding defeat. "Yeah, you're probably right. I'll just have to buy a new

And who knows? Maybe one day, they would solve the mystery of the missing sunglasses and finally uncover the truth behind the elusive sunglasses thief of Camp Half-Blood.

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