I hope you're studying hard for your exams year 6 is no time to joke around.
You haven't been sending your weekly letters, which you know I don't take lightly. I have you send them for a reason Vivienne.
I was already embarrassed enough when you didn't make perfect because you 'didn't want to', I don't need you failing out of your classes as well.
Your mother wants to send you something to wear to that dreadful yuleball, so make sure to send her a letter. I hope you choose your date wisely.
For your information you'll be spending winter break and christmas at home this year, you and Stella both, No spending the entire break at the Weasley's.
Don't even try to argue with me, the decision is final. Next time you decide to disobey me remember that this is what happens.
I except a report on all the exams you've done so far, especially potions, I know it's your weakest subject.
Orion II Black.

Bloody hell, this again.

"Wasn't Potions the only subject you didn't get a full grade in last year?" I ask confused at the last line and she laughs bitterly, "I missed one mark and he's acting like I failed the subject"

"It's like he makes up for not being a blood supremacist by being a fucking control freak. Whether it's my clothes or my grades everything has to be perfect" She continues before I can say anything, "I mean honestly, he's implementing everything his parents did to him. The ancient and noble House Black, bloody circus the lot of them"

I sense she just wants me to listen to her as she continues, turning towards me this time, "Seriously, his own sister was disowned by his family for marrying a muggle born, his other sister is in Azkaban for being a devout death eater, and the third sister married to a blood supremacist and he thinks what? Being this obsessive over every detail in my life will help him make sure I end up fine? Like him?"

Tears are welling up in her eyes the more bitter her voice becomes, "He thinks he's so much better than his family for not sharing their views on blood supremacy yet he's still married to a pure blood, I know they're not married for love. My dad proposed out of convenience and yet he still acts righteous. He sits on his high horse and judges Narcissa for not choosing to get disowned like him and Andromeda"

She huffs and covers her face with her hands, "I'm so fucking done with this"

It's when I notice her shaking hands that I pull her into my chest for a hug.

Vivienne's pov

I'm shaking from frustration when he notices and pulls me into a hug, my tears fall silently as his arms are wrapped around me tightly and he lets me cry into his chest.

Once I'm calm I pull my head off his chest and look up at him, "I'm sorry I got carried away"

The look in his eyes is intense and I resist shuddering under his gaze, "Nothing to apologize for Viv, you have every right to be upset"

"And I'm sorry I got my tears and snot all over your sweater" I sniffle and he doesn't reply, looking at me like he'd let me throw up on his sweater if I needed too,

I'm so lost in his gaze that I'm startled when his hand is cupping my jaw, his thumb wiping away at the wetness on my cheeks. "I shouldn't have to remind you Vivienne but you're bloody incredible, you're an absolutely talented witch and no one can say any different. You deserve nothing but praise"

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