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Summer of 5th year going into 6th.
Vivienne's pov

"Do I have to swim?" I whine as I look through my clothes looking for something to wear to the beach, Stella and I invited to the beach with the twins, Charlie was visiting so they decided to have a little get together. "Viv, you'll look great in whatever you wear but obviously you don't have to swim if you don't want to"

Bless Stella for putting up with my moods, I sigh as I pick up a black plain one piece swimming suit and a green sundress with white florals on it. "And of course this nervousness has nothing to do with a certain Weasley visiting" Stella teases as she decides on what to wear herself and with her back to me I toss my towel at her head.

"it's not my fault Charlie Weasley is built like a greek God, and you miss sneaky don't think i've forgotten about finding you and George kissing yeah?"

"I told you it was an in the moment thing! Plus you've had your crush on Charlie since we were kids" She replied, tossing the towel back at me and I give her a look, "it's not a crush, it's a 'I think he's hot but it'll never go anywhere because he sees me as a kid' type of thing, and anyways I don't want it to go anywhere it's just nice to hangout with him and I don't want to feel like absolute shit about myself the entire day"

"I know, I'm sorry. I'm just teasing you...although you never know maybe this year will be different, you have grown a very nice pair of-"


"i'm just saying! you're not the same kid you were. In a kid friendly way, you've definitely grown into yourself"

"Okay! Merlin i'm feeling extremely objectified here" I joke as I walk into my bathroom, "what I'm trying to say is you're hot as fuck!" Stella manages to say before I shut the door in her face.

I stare at myself in the mirror and sigh, I will admit my body has gone from chubby all over to curvy and firm since I've decided to exercise during the summer ever since Thomas cheated on me but it'll never change the shit people have said to me growing up about my weight, no matter how much weight I lose or how much muscle I gain i'll always be the girl they made fun of and the girl that was cheated on with a girl half her size.

But hey, new school year new me right?


"Vivie? Is that you?" Charlie pretends to squint acting like he doesn't recognize me and I let out a breath of amusement, "Very funny Charlie"

"I'm serious you look great! How are you?" He smiles widely as he pulls me into a hug and I can't help the color on my cheeks as I smile just as wide, how did he manage to get even better good looking? "I'm good Charlie, it's great to see you. And really? Vivie? I think I'm too old for that now"

"You're never too old to be my Vivie" He teases as we pull away from the hug and there's a sudden arm draped along my shoulders.

"That's cute and all but i'll be stealing Viv now bye" Fred says as he pulls me away from Charlie who has a knowing smile on his face as Fred and I walk away and I shove my elbow into Fred once we've walked far enough.

"Merlin why the violence?" He asks rubbing his elbow and I shrug as we set out towels down under one of the beach umbrellas and sit down a few feet away from George and Stella, the rest of our families already in the water.

"It's quite the entertainment"

"Never took you for a sadist, vivie"

I stare at him in his stupid sunglasses and bright orange swimming shorts and throw the sunscreen that I had pulled out of my bag at his chest. "You're not funny Weasley, now start slathering yourself with sunblock before you start getting cooked"

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