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"Stay safe and don't forget to write to us yeah?" Dad says pulling me into a hug as I assure him i'll remember, "I'm serious Vivienne, you know I hate not knowing what you're up to-"

"-Yes Orion I'm sure she'll write to us when she has the chance" My mum says simply and I sigh as my dad gives her a look, "love you both" I say hugging my mum and waiting for Stella to say her goodbyes as well before we both catch up with Oscar.

"How are my favorite girls doing? I can't believe I haven't seen you both in two weeks, those pesky Weasley's have been taking up too much of your time" Oscar complains as he drapes an arm around
Stella and one around me. I pretend to ignore the dark circles forming around his eyes, summer break is never easy being alone with his parents at each other's necks 24/7.

"Or maybe you're just a whine-y baby who can't handle being left out" Stella hums innocently and I giggle as Oscar rolls his eyes playfully. "What else am I supposed to do when my two best friends are being hogged-"

"-Hogged? You're so dramatic" I can't help but laugh as we get onto the train and Oscar places his hand over his chest with fake hurt before wiping away a tear that doesn't exist, "it truly hurts for the two of you to dismiss my feelings like this"

"Blood hell Oscar cry about once we're seated yeah?" Stella pushes past him and I cover my mouth with my hand to hold the giggle back at Oscar's face.


"Are you fucking kidding me? No quidditch? What do you mean no quidditch?" Oscar begins to swear, running his hand through his already messy brown curls, face scrunched up.

"You can't cancel Quidditch?!" I huff to myself.

"I mean, no more sweaty attractive boys and girls fly around on brooms is sad but the tournament does sound pretty entertaining" Stella says and Oscar and I both give her a look, "Right sorry mr captain and ms chaser"

"You'd understand the frustration if you listened to me in year 2 and tried out for the quidditch team with me. Would have made a great seeker" Malfoy must have felt me speaking about him because he manages to glare at me sitting on the other end of the table. Stella stares at me blankly.

"That's cute that you think i'm made for sports, I'm made for wearing cute sports merchandise and cheering for my boyfriend-or girlfriend who just so happens to be the best player on the team" Stella explains as she picks at her nails and Oscar and I share a look of amusement.

"Weird way to ask me out Stell but yes"

that makes Oscar burst with laughter.


The next day everyone was talking about the tournament, not to mention the yule ball.

"Have you lot heard that the twins apparently have a way to enter their names for the tournament?" Stella says in an amused tone as she sits down on the grass beside Oscar and I on the bench, the three of us had a free class before our first class of the day and were sitting in the courtyard.

"Sure they do, that'll be entertaining" Oscar scoffs and before Stella and I can say anything some of the Beauxbatons girls walked by, "Hello"

The girls basically purred with their thick french accent as they floated past us. Oscar gives them his signature grin before turning back to me, Stella was uninterested in the whole affair, more focused on fixing her hair.

"At least now Oscar's date to the yule ball is sorted and we won't have to hear him moan about who to take" Stella snorts and I laugh at her usual bluntness as Oscar rolls his eyes and lays down, placing his head on my lap.

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