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Fred's pov
"The first time I fuck you won't be when we're both drunk and high off our minds"

Is the last thing I hear before instantly turning around and making my way down the dorm stairs. Bloody hell I'm stupid. Why did I think it was a bright idea to follow them up here?

"Fred? what're you doing here?" I hear Henry ask from behind me and I curse myself for not leaving quicker, "Just wanted to make sure you guys reached, you both weren't sober so they rest just sent me to check up on you lot"

"Oh, thanks for that we're alright"

"Yeah it's no problem, right, goodnight" I say and go to leave but he speaks again, "I've known Vivienne for years, we might not be close but you don't need to worry"


"I mean, i'd be protective of her too. She's too kind for her own good" He shrugged and I realized that to him, he was just trying to reassure Vivienne's best friend who is very protective of her, bloody hell.

"Yeah i'm sure, goodnight Henry" I finally walk away and this time he doesn't stop me.


"Good morning Freddie" Vivienne chirps as she sits down beside me in the Gryfinndor common room, "How do you manage to deal with a hungover happily?" I grumble at her through my pounding headache and she laughs, the sound causing my chest to tighten.

"By being smart, and good in hangover remedy potions. Here I made you one, just have some breakfast before"

"Thanks Viv" I thank her as she hands me the small bottle and I can't help the guilt of overhearing her and Henry last night without her knowing. "I'm sorry for freaking out on you last night about Henry-"

"I'd really rather not talk about it" She interrupts looking away and I wince, she only does this when she doesn't even know where to begin with her anger. "Vivienne-"

"I'll see you at breakfast Fred" She quickly says before getting up and leaving me to watch her walk away from me. I groan when she's out of sight and curse myself.


"Are you going to keep doing this shit to yourself Fred?" George snaps and breaks the silence between the two of us sat together in the courtyard outside, "The fuck are you on about?"

"You've been staring at Vivienne all morning, you're fucking miserable" He continues extremely irritated and I remain quiet, refusing to look at him. "What's the worst that can happen if you tell her?"

"George don't start this again-"

"Mate I'm serious, what's the actual worst that can happen?" He stares at me and I don't bother avoiding his gaze. "She thinks i'm fucking weird for liking my childhood best friend? And our friendship will never be the same?"

"If you truly think Vivienne would think that you clearly don't know her well"

"I don't fucking know George just leave me alone-"

"Fred come on, you're not kids anymore-"

"I don't deserve her! I don't fucking deserve her, is that what you want to hear? That I think she's an amazing person who deserves the absolute best and I don't think that's me" I spit and he shuts his mouth for once, "I'm in love with my best friend except I think I don't deserve her, I could never admit it to her George. Not unless she looks me in the eyes and tells me she's in love with me, and until then I don't deserve her and all I can do is make sure she's happy. If that means watching her date Henry fucking Thorn so be it"

𝙾𝙱𝙻𝙸𝚅𝙸𝙾𝚄𝚂 {𝙵𝚁𝙴𝙳 𝚆𝙴𝙰𝚂𝙻𝙴𝚈}Where stories live. Discover now