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Fred's pov. The next day.

I walk into the almost empty Great hall, it's almost curfew and I knew i'd find Vivienne still studying at the Slytherin table.

I walk up from behind her and poke her waist trying to startle her, she doesn't move and instead looks up at me I sigh at my failure and sit down beside her.

"I heard you come in Fred" she explains looking back down at her notebook and I watch her as she writes.

"Are you almost done?" I ask, my hand reaching out to twirl a piece of her hair.

"Don't-yes i'll get up when it's time for curfew" she swats my hand away,

"I thought we could hangout"

"Past curfew?"

"Yes ma'am"

"And all the prefects will just ignore the fact that you're out past curfew because you're Fred Weasley right?" she says sarcastically and I grin at her, "Why of course"

"Stop distracting me I still have fifteen minutes left" she dismisses me and I scoot closer to her, placing my head on her shoulder, watching her write.

We sit like that for what i'm assuming is fifteen minutes because she sets her quill down and leans her head against mine.

"Can I speak now?" I tease and I almost feel her roll her eyes, "Yes you can"

"I'm sorry about yesterday"

"Sorry for what?" her confusion is clear, she lifts her head and I do as well, turning to look at her. "For blowing you off to hangout with Angie"

"Oh-Fred it's fine you don't have to apologize I understand"

"I just didn't want you to think I chose her over you-"

"Fred honestly you don't have to explain yourself" she tries to brush off the topic,

"Bloody hell will you just let me apologize? I can recognize when you're upset Viv" I huff and she sighs, "Thank you for the apology, and to be clear I was only upset because it had been a while since we spent time together that's it"

"You're welcome, now come on let's go" I say and go to help her pack her things when I notice an unopened letter under her notebook on the table. "What's this?"

"Oh uh, just a letter from my Dad" She mumbles not bothering to take it out of my hand, closing her one notebook. She stands up and I hold the letter out for her, she slips it between the pages and waits for me to stand up.

We look out of the Great hall doors and the hallway is empty. Vivienne and I look at each other before making run for it, we make it to the next corner and I peek my head to check if it's empty as well. "Where are we going?"

"Just follow me come on" I grab her hand and she laughs as we run through this hall as well.

"The astronomy tower?" She points out the obvious as we begin to make our way up the stairs and I grin, "Honestly Viv you should have been a Ravenclaw"

"Oh shut up"

We make it to the top and sit down near the edge, close enough that we're shoulder to shoulder and I ignore the tightness in my chest. We stare out at the night sky in silence and all I can focus on is her presence beside me, I turn to look at her and my breath hitches when I can see the moon's reflection in her almost grey eyes.

I'm still staring at her when she pulls out the letter from her notebook. I watch her open it and read it, her expression blank and she hands it to me once she's done.

𝙾𝙱𝙻𝙸𝚅𝙸𝙾𝚄𝚂 {𝙵𝚁𝙴𝙳 𝚆𝙴𝙰𝚂𝙻𝙴𝚈}Where stories live. Discover now